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Trouble with modding


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Ok i tried to make my 1st mod. a silenced SPAS-12 (saw it in mw2 and i wanted it in FO3) i took the meshes and textures from FOOK2 and the sound... well i got a custom one (silenced barret m82a xD). All works fine just 1 tiny problem


i added the silencer with NIFskope and all worka fine with nifskope!


but when i choose to create the new static for the weapon and i choose the .nif file the silencer wont show :blink: (in GECK or the game....)


the shotgun has the silencer sound just everything! the only problem is that it wont show the SILENCER! :wallbash:



some1 pls help meeeh :confused:


here a few pics for better explaining!

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What the heck did you do?





sounds like me doing something



Static is something that doesn't move.


You know that right.


The table in the picture, that's a static.



A weapon, has a world model


which it also has a 1st person model


however, I've never had to use either of these.


If you set 1st person model to none, an none for the world model

then it just uses whatever the base model is for both

saves time an work


I reckon the world model an 1st person model are measures to save system resources.





However, in a cell, the bulk of raw data is in the actual room walls and other stuff in it.


You can have quite a few high res world models for weapons in a cell


the main determining factor on how well the cell will run is how high res the walls an floor are


so spending the extra time working on world models for weapons which save system resources


is only going to allow better performance in those few areas where the floors an walls take up 25% or more of the


Cell's raw data size an rendering.



If you ask me I wouldn't bother with it.


The first person model idk might come in handy if you get into that kind of thing.


I never have to fool with it, yet anyway.


Also cuts the work in half from making low res 3rd person then high res 1st person textures


like how bethesda does it.





So long as your textures are high res an have mip maps then why bother with the extra work.






Something we should probably consider would be that mesh.


I know there's a Spaz-12 mesh (yeah the really good looking one)


which is all messed up, there's data hidden in there somewhere


which totally screws up the collison mesh or havok for it


when you place it in the world inside geck you see the havok box for it is about


and order of magnatude too large, the havok mesh is about the size of a small room


when you view it placed in the world, it also causes the havok sim in GECK to make it


tetter on it's barrel back an forth rather than lay flat


I tried to fix it, it's hidden in there somewhere an I just gave up...






I only mention it because it looks like that bad spaz-12 mesh.


But hey maybe you made a new one, which would be great.


It's really is nice looking.




Bear in mind though a supressor for a 12 guage shotgun is about the thickness and length of a hair spray bottle.


A big fat A** looking gangster suppressor







You can also put a shiny polish stainless steel ring around the hole where the wad comes out.


Makes it pop. I saw it in another game, an I use it when I can.






I would guess it's probably that when you pasted the supressor in, Nifscope like it always does when you paste in


polys, it gives it a stupid name an in this case it named it projectile node or something stupid like that.


The supressor is a static part of the weapon, each of the parts are given names which are usually contained inside the nif


an different for the different weapon types.




What I do, for supressors, since it's a static part, The main part of the shotgun is something like




I right click the top of the tree in the block list, which is the main item, probably combatshotgun


Then block paste there, which adds it to the main tree, and not like down in the combatshotgun:0 part


or any other of the sub branches, it is it's own branch, but now the name is messed up.


Nifscope gave it a random text string (name) So it's calling it Slide:0 or something retarded like that


Once you paste it in though it's already highlighted in the block list


Since you are going back you will have to click it's subbranch, to highlight it


which will display it in the block details at the bottom of the screen


then you just right click the name part which is the top of the block details


then edit text string, which brings up the interface for picking or typing names


it's more easy to just select the combatshotgun:0 one, then before you hit okay


change the number, so it's combatshotgun:1



So you're adding static parts which are sort of the main part of the weapon









and such, you can add as many as you like





Even further, say it's a slide an you want to have a slide that is made up of more than one part



To do that you just paste in the sub-branch named slide or whatever, rather than the main item


then it should paste into the part of the tree which has the Slide:0, an you change the name of the second piece


to slide:1 or Slide:2, then the animations for the slide will work on what you put in there.







The kind of thing you are doing with nifscope, you need to finalize the mesh sometimes, but it's always good practice.


It's a spell, you can actually do it the easy way which is just batch, update all tangent spaces, an you can do that on all the pieces


in the render window from right clicking I think it's also up in the top in the nifscope window tools too,


Sometimes you need to triangulate, an then stripifiy as well, on a part of a mesh, or the whole thing if you want.


When you create the item in geck it crashes as soon as you pick the model, so the update tangent spaces, an


then triangulate, an stripifiy over an over usually clears up that issue, but you want to always end it with stripify


Sometimes it can fill in a hole in a mesh. Then you know, save it.





It's not much but the old mod I made full auto pistols has the spaz 12 from new weapons/modern weapons


only with alex scopions supressor on it, which I had trouble with the fire rate, still am actually, but you might


could download an use that mesh to help you get you super cool one working, the mod is linked in my sig.


There's only about 1000 issues with FAPV2.0test, but I just made it to help noobs with calibr have something


that would shoot it. I've gotten better at making stuff, but now it's like there's just too much to do to finish it.






On another note, the projectiles are kind of funny for shotguns too.


When you open a projectile in GECK, it has a setting for silent,


but there's also the sound the projectile makes going thru the air.


FXbulletwiz something like that, if you have a shotgun which like 27 projectiles


that FXbulletwiz gets multiplied by 27, which pretty much ruins the weapon


So I change the form id for shotgun projectile, so it will create a new form


then click the fxbulletwiz tab which opens up the interface to pick a new one


which I cancel out of, thereby picking no sound, allowing as many projectiles as you want


depending on on the weapon, like say it's full choke #4 buckshot instead of double ought #00


The impact will still sound like a train wreck but performance wise if you are using more than the


default 9 projectiles, removing the fxbulletwiz is ideal, you need a custom projectile to do it though


hence creating the new form which puts it into the list for available projectiles when you make the weapon.


Since the barrel length doesn't really determine spread, as in a typical rifle, in shotguns it's the choke or barrel


end which determines spread, when you add a supressor then it would also have a choke built into the supressor


depending on what you wanted it to do.





On the other hand, you can create slug type projectiles for shotguns, which isn't very hard at all


just stretch the verts on the extracted shotgun projectile via nifscope, save that, make the projectile


in GECK, then make the weapon, an name it shotgun (slug) or something, give it near zero spread


then maybe more impact force via the projectile settings, an bamo, instant shotgun slug.


Which in the case of a longer barrel from having a supressor on a shotgun would mean a very low spread


high accuracy at distance slug, but since the supressor slows down the projectile in order to silence it


lower damage perse than a non silenced slug shooting shotgun.



Even further....




I've found the best clip to use in the shotguns is to actually make the clip look like a shotgun shell.


Then it's only a matter of placing it right in the mesh. But using the larger clips and drum type clips works well too.


When it's sitting on the table it looks really cool to have a shotgun shell as the clip, which is right below the breach.


You could take a weapon an tweek it an change it around until it ended up make a whole set of like 20 different weapons.

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