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Main Character Invincible


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Okay, so I turned off all my mods. For some reason every time I start a new game or the current save game I have, my main character takes very little to no damage, note that I have it set to NIGHTMARE difficulty. Even when I take all his clothes off, he still does just as much damage as he did before hand and takes very little damage still. This did not occur until I started using the mods here. This is ruining my experience a lot and I wish to know if there is a file I should keep an eye out for. Do I honestly need to just reinstall everything? :confused:


Also, on the side.. I would like to know if theres any way to import my character's looks and profile to other saved games :/ My older saved game for some odd reason has NORMAL statistics and runs normally, basically get my ass kicked. I'm not happy with the look, so I'd like to switch it out :/

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