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Speedtreecad.exe crash


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Hello everyone! I have been working on a level in the toolset.. When I go to 'Do all local posts' the 'speedtreecad.exe' crashes.. constently :( I also get a 'no sound type set' for my vegetation which I assume is related to the speedtree crash.. Any ideas what could be causing this? Ive searched EVERYWHERE for info but none exist :( Any help is welcome and thanks in advance!!



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gah!! I cant find help anywhere with this, not even on official forums :P This issue seems to be isolated to just me, not sure why, but it sucks :( My progression with the toolset has come to a complete and abrupt halt as there is no sense in continuing if I cant add vege to my areas :P This would be fine if I were making a desert or something lol Ive tried everything I can think of, from reinstalls to setting/checking permissions within Windows.. I wonder if it is a compatibility issue? Im on Win7 and the toolset/game run fine so I assume not. Could it be the order in which I render/post to local? I currently - render L. maps. L. probes, pathfinding, then local posting..Maybe I missed a step here? Ive also went a made a new terrain level with nothing but a single grass.. setup the level as normal then posted to locals.. same result :( lets see.. I just went and checked Windows firewall, all is fine. Just went and check any DAO logs to see if there is an error message.. nothing.


Anything else I can/should check? I imagine that Speedtree corp will not offer support for this issue.. if you have ANY ideas on what can be causing this plz post up!! Thanks in advance!



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well, to me, its seems to be a Windows problem (maybe..) as the toolset itself doesnt crash but only the speedtreecad.exe crashes and the Post goes thru stating trees have been posted succesfully.. Ive tried all that I know of with Windows but nothing worked.. It seems to be not 'shading' them correctly and also the trees 'appear' in their locations just not visible :/
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