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Shooting while moving forward... help!


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So Ive recently run into a very odd bug in my game, and I am not sure exactly when it started happening.


When using the default W key to move forward, I cannot move forward and fire my weapon at the same time. I can move sideways and backwards and fire it, but not forward. Whether I am shooting from the hip or aiming, the weapon will not fire when holding down the W key to move forward.


If I switch to the Q key to move forward, I can fire just fine. Likewise, when using automove, I can fire my weapon as well while moving forward. So it basically boils down to trying to fire my weapon while moving forward with the W key, and that is it.


Have any of you ever experienced this or know why it would be doing this? I am not sure if it is a mod causing it or what, but it is extremely frustrating regardless! I wasn't able to find any threads on this so I apologize if it is a repeat, but I would sure appreciate it. Thank you ahead of time!

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Well if all else fails it's just a binding


All you would need to do is move the bindings one to the right


walk with E an such, but you could also switch to the num pad





Besdies that, what the heck are you doing charging a target


most of the FPS tactics are done sideways movement or in circles


further than that, it's duck an cover, rise an shoot kind of stuff


or jump an shoot, then VATS stuff




Fallout 3 has something called mouse lag, inherent in the program


we can minimize it...




Mouse lag is most directly related to Vsync, but disabling Vsync isn't easy


an also has the side effect of causing more micro stuttering (different from normal stuttering)


which fallout 3 also suffers from frame stuttering


in the normal everyday set up you don't see much micro stuttering or even notice it


the frame stuttering you can't miss when it happens





Mouse lag is like you click or try to double tap fire an someone is firing at you


bullets going everywhere an it's like your gun won't fire,


which you can unequip the weapon an equip it again, which will sometimes fix it


but usually it's a sign you need to VATS, or seek cover, switch weapons, purge the cell buffer




However, changing the CPU max pre-rendered frames, is a setting inside the grapics card control panel


available in the new drivers, which default is 3 as the max pre-rendered frames the CPU sends to the GPU


They say it can reduce the mouse lag, without causing the micro stuttering that Vsync might


depends on alot of different factors on which way you wanted to go.




I like the RAOTW method (random A**hole of the wastes) after you install, patch, install other stuff like FOMM FOSE GECK FO3edit


Then tweek the fallout.ini an fallout launcher settings, but before you install mods, you create a RAOTW


an run around trying to make fallout 3 crash or to point out any issues before you install mods, or DLC's


Which helps you get all your settings right, along with a clean install, to get a sort of baseline of how thing are running


before you turn a vastly huge 6Gb game into a 14Gb game.




Then you know after that you download a ton of mods, then spend the next week fixing it with FO3edit.





It's not so much a install as it is a build, some builds work better than others.



Heck just launching the game sometimes you get a bad load up of fallout, reboot, relaunch



the same thing goes for game starts sometimes you get a good game start an there's no problems


then others just lead to corupt save games.




For one thing never auto save or quick save, press Esc an create a new save each time


never delete a save until you are ready to delete all of them, then never add or remove a mod


until your ready to delete all your save games an start over. You can try it, but it's a risk.





The system cache can go corupt at just about any time, but 2-3 hour games are not that unheard of


but it takes a lot of work to get a fallout build working that well...






The Cell buffer gets plagued with all kinds of corupt data, mostly because there is just so much data.


You can purge it, heck get the W an can't fire thing happening, then press ~ an type PCB


~PCB then close the console, an try to W fire





I've had weird things happen if I leave my joystick plugged in, which has simulated mouse movement or keyboard action


across the USB they are all plugged into, so I unplug it if I'm not using it.




There's settings in the BIOS that deal with mouse an keyboard stuff.





You know Fallout 3 hates Overclocking, even RAM overclocking






It might not be related but you could try launching the fallout 3 default launcher, options


an in the settings turn off AA an AF, then exit, go to your grapics card control panel


then pick Override any application setting for AA , and pick whatever AA an AF you want


but know you can pick a higher AA an AF setting than you would with Fallout's at very little performance loss


while also avoiding having to use texture packs to make the wasteland not look like puke, along with high quality AA an AF


Then there's other settings there that can help any number of things, like the prerendered frames thing.


Same thing goes for the Fallout.ini located in mydocuments/games/fallout3


http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9616 Webasized FO3 tutorial



http://www.tweakguides.com/Fallout3_1.html Tweek guide







You know at the end of my rope I'd probably install fallout 3 again, or try a different keyboard, or mouse even.



They say some Keyboards you can wash in the dishwasher, I wouldn't know how to tell


my keyboard has boogers, an pee pee in it, cigarette ashes, dust, bug guts, maybe some poop, an skin cells


I never clean it, an never will probably until it breaks, it's totally gross, euuuuuuuu




Find a empty cell an see if it does it there too

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