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Do you need a law to behave


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I belive it depends on the person if there were no laws in place I honstly would have killed a few people. Only for one reason of what they had done as most of them would be the chiled mollesters or child beaters or wife beaters. I can not stand for this and if there was no law agenst murder they would be dead by my hand. That is how I feel though and thats what I think should happen in life right now. I do not think those people should be allowed to live in jail knowing they are going to get fead and have a roof over their heads. Hell both of those certines have been takin away from me from time to time why should someone who think its fun to beat childeren given the luxury of three square meals and a roof over their head they know they wont get evected from.

But thats beside the point I would say if there were no laws I would still behave and act the way I do the biggest difference being I would have killed a few people who righly deserved to die.

Thats my view take it or leave it.


The fact that you could kill certain persons, where there not a law against it, does not make you a bad person, since you point your anger at some who has actually not deserved better.

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I belive it depends on the person if there were no laws in place I honstly would have killed a few people. Only for one reason of what they had done as most of them would be the chiled mollesters or child beaters or wife beaters. I can not stand for this and if there was no law agenst murder they would be dead by my hand. That is how I feel though and thats what I think should happen in life right now. I do not think those people should be allowed to live in jail knowing they are going to get fead and have a roof over their heads. Hell both of those certines have been takin away from me from time to time why should someone who think its fun to beat childeren given the luxury of three square meals and a roof over their head they know they wont get evected from.

But thats beside the point I would say if there were no laws I would still behave and act the way I do the biggest difference being I would have killed a few people who righly deserved to die.

Thats my view take it or leave it.


See, this is exactly why we have laws. You think child and wife beaters should be killed, but a more reasonable punishment in my opinion would be, say, 7 lashes a day and hard labor for 5 years. But since their is disagreement on what is right and wrong in terms of punishment, there are laws put in place to prevent either of us becoming vigilantes.


Also, improve your spelling.

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Their are some certain fundamental standards known to all, like killing

is a bad behavior



Not all killing is bad. There is a distinct difference between killing and murder. Murder should almost always never happen, killing... more often than not should happen 1000 times a day!


If you or someone you know has ever been the survivor or recipient of a despicable heinous crime you will understand that statement.


There are old sayings : "Do unto others....", "Turn the other cheek...", "forgive and forget...". Those may be great for some people and if you can truly believe that in your heart of hearts, well that is you and how you are (you being society, not any particular poster). Personally (though I am not religious in any way, shape or form) I like this saying: "Forgive me my sins, as I punish those that would sin against me!"


Sometimes the very laws put in place to protect people can do the most harm and some of the most terrible things that have ever happened were done by starting off with the best intentions!

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Their are some certain fundamental standards known to all, like killing

is a bad behavior



Not all killing is bad. There is a distinct difference between killing and murder. Murder should almost always never happen, killing... more often than not should happen 1000 times a day!


If you or someone you know has ever been the survivor or recipient of a despicable heinous crime you will understand that statement.


There are old sayings : "Do unto others....", "Turn the other cheek...", "forgive and forget...". Those may be great for some people and if you can truly believe that in your heart of hearts, well that is you and how you are (you being society, not any particular poster). Personally (though I am not religious in any way, shape or form) I like this saying: "Forgive me my sins, as I punish those that would sin against me!"


Sometimes the very laws put in place to protect people can do the most harm and some of the most terrible things that have ever happened were done by starting off with the best intentions!


By killing as a bad behaveior, i may mean murder.

I truly support your point of wievs.

Being an old hippie i am none violent.

I will admit when i here in the news terrible storys about a man and his wife have kept a young girl prisoner for severel years, abusing her, i feel a strong urge to kill.

If things like that happend in my sphere e.i. my family, my friends, i would probably not be the old hippie any longer.

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That depends entirely on what sort of laws you are talking about and what you mean by "behave". There are generally, 3 kinds of laws. The first kind are laws which help to establish and maintain power over others. The second, laws which help settle disputes between people. The third, laws which exist simply because of some cultural, religious, or social meaning behind them, and help ensure that people do not offend each other as easily, and to prevent disputes before they occur.


There is also a difference between lawfulness and civility. A person can still maintain a level of etiquette while they rob you for instance. To look at it in simple, black and white terms does both a fair amount of disservice.

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That depends entirely on what sort of laws you are talking about and what you mean by "behave". There are generally, 3 kinds of laws. The first kind are laws which help to establish and maintain power over others. The second, laws which help settle disputes between people. The third, laws which exist simply because of some cultural, religious, or social meaning behind them, and help ensure that people do not offend each other as easily, and to prevent disputes before they occur.


There is also a difference between lawfulness and civility. A person can still maintain a level of etiquette while they rob you for instance. To look at it in simple, black and white terms does both a fair amount of disservice.


Now you make me think of Robin Hood, the legendary hero. Let´s say for a while he existed, in some way.

By taking goods and money from the rich gang surrounding the Sherrif of Notthingham, who got their goods by unfair taxing on the villagers,

he was acting like a fair law.

It was not a written law, it was hes codex of justice.

He even had etiquette, and was a ladys friend.

But in others eyes he was nothing but a murdere and a thief.

But he took, and gave back what was rightfully others, and would only kill if one stand in hes way.

So all in all, no law (but hes own) and a behavior that whould be acceptable amongst the most

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See, this is where the DND morality comes into play. Each morality exists to counter the morality directly opposite to it. For example, Chaotic Good (Robin Hood) exists to make sure that the true justice is served while Lawful Evil (King John) is in power. Mind that the Sheriff of Nottingham is only Lawful Neutral.
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See, this is where the DND morality comes into play. Each morality exists to counter the morality directly opposite to it. For example, Chaotic Good (Robin Hood) exists to make sure that the true justice is served while Lawful Evil (King John) is in power. Mind that the Sheriff of Nottingham is only Lawful Neutral.


It works with Robin Hood. His system works with no laws, and the Sheriffs system does not work, even when it has got laws, just like today.

Most people wants to be part of the society, and follow some unwritten rules of behavior.

We know that there are limits for what we can do (or not do), before we risk to be expelled.

The better we are to follow those unwritten rules, the better we will be in socializing.

The few who cannot find their way through these rules, and thus need laws, will have difficulties obeying the laws anyway.


A classic example is a big company, polluting all the drinking water in a small village.

The law says that they are way over the limit of some certain contents in their waste,

but economically it´s way cheaper to pollute and pay the fine.

So the owner of the company knows thats he´s breaking the law, but gives priority to greed.

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See, this is where the DND morality comes into play. Each morality exists to counter the morality directly opposite to it. For example, Chaotic Good (Robin Hood) exists to make sure that the true justice is served while Lawful Evil (King John) is in power. Mind that the Sheriff of Nottingham is only Lawful Neutral.

The DnD style of alignments really just doesn't work in reality the way it does in fantasy.


In fantasy, it serves as a guide for how a character should act in a given situation, and the character makes choices based around this premise. Essentially, the alignment defined the character, not the character defining the alignment. This is one of the reasons why in DnD changing an alignment usually comes at a rather high cost.


In reality, it is nowhere near as simple. There is no pimple faced kid behind a paper screen who will suddenly decide that the actions you take go against your alignment, and make you do something else, or sick a bloodthirsty swarm of bees on you for not playing the game. Instead, a person who is generally good can perform horrible acts, justified or unjustified, and still be generally good and continue their mortal life without having to pay for the act. Likewise, a horribly evil man can perform acts of kindness, even when it doesn't necessarily benefit them, and still be a horribly evil man.


The alignment system has as much draw as it does because there is no ambiguity between who people are, a good person will be good for as long as they exist, and a wicked person will be wicked for as long as they exist, rarely deviating from that identity. It makes both hero and villain predictable, and allows for portions of the story to be pre-planned. Real life is not anything so simple.

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I thought I read in here somewhere, it was mentioned that there is a certain "pay it forward" or"karma" aspect to all of this IE "He/She will get theirs in the end" or "What comes around goes around"... This cannot be a factor because it has no real application for it does not exist. Things people call karma or what have you as I pointed out above is in fact what is called in psychology "Magical Thinking". The idea that doing or failing to do something will directly affect or not something in the future whether it be good or not has been scientifically proved invalid. Yet we do this on a regular basis even myself. It is in fact part of an anxiety disorder known as Obsessive-Compulsive disorder but generally speaking most people that otherwise function normally and do not have OCD but still partake in "magical thinking are in fact displaying a similar disorder known as Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. However just because someone displays traits of either disorder is not an indicator that the person is inflicted with the disorder it may just be how they were raised to be "superstitious or karmic inclined", and thus there signs of disorder stems from a learned behavior... Phew


IE: My money is in my purse I don't want to take my purse with me to the Salon. I need to make an appointment though if I take my money my stylist will not be there but if I leave my money in the SUV my stylist will be there thus causing me to have to go back out to my SUV to get my money.


Doing good deeds does not in fact purchase some intangible good fuel that is stored in a karma fuel tank and in fact has it has been scientifically proved that in society no good deed really does go unpunished.


I can and would come up with the scientific data to support these claims though if asked I probably will not as it really does not matter to me whether someone believes this or not because once fixated people rarely change an opinion.

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