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NPCs - better essentials?


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As it now stands, making a follower or NPC, oyu only have 3 options:


A) Can't be killed by anyone

B) Can't be killed by anyone except the player

C) Can be killed by anyone



Now 1 & 2 isn't problematic in itself. Beat the character to an inch of their life and they fall to their knees. Problem is, a few seconds later they get back up with full health. So you can just storm in the room with your follower, start a fight, run out and close the door and eventually your follower will kill everyone, unkillable as he is.


So why not change it OR add a new type of "esseintial" tag/flag/script that won't have him get back up on his own that fast. Either have him fall to his knees or fall unconcius (like he's dead), but their health wont' return untill you heal them or all enemies are gone.

Makes a lot more sense, plus it doesn't make your followers OP.



A simple way to do it might be to make your follower killlabe and then make a script that gives you the option to ressurect the follower when you interact with his/her body.

But there's probably a better way - once that just removes the instant heal they currently have.

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