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Most mods i download become incomplete(Help Please!)


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Hey so i need some help please. For a little while i would download mods and if i got lucky it would completely download, but for the most part the mods always download almost all the way then become incomplete. i always try using both server types on Nexus mod Manger and everytime i download the mod manually with Winrar or 7-Zip it says its corrupted. i dont know if its the mod itself, the server, or my computer. i could really use some assistance if possible, Thank You.
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you could try and disable TCP Auto Tuning (Vista, 7, 8) and see if that helps. XP does not have TCP Window scaling, so you could also try downloading on XP if you still have it.

from elevated CLI:

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Note: if above works for you, there was nothing wrong with your Windows, but rather with your NIC, NIC drivers, Internet modem, router etc.

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