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New Guy


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Long-time lurker, first (or actually 3rd) time posting here on the nexus forums!


Actually started using mods for the first time by downloading from here. And that was for good ol' Oblivion!


While I'm not a modder myself, I've always been interested in learning, so if anyone has any tips or good references for a newbie to look at, lemme know.



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Everyone, says welcome so I don't want to be like everyone else. I will give you the rules now.




Rule 1: Follow The Terms Of Service and all that junk


Rule 2: You must Bow to my SUPERIORITY


Rule 3: Don't get bannned


Rule 4: You must download all my mods


Rule 5: No interdimentional rifts that could kill us all without a permit


Rule 6: Is not Important


Rule 7: You must be atleast 3 Inches tall to post


Rule 8: I have no real authority, so, yeah, but Rule #2 still applies!!





How To Mod:


Play with the Tes Construction set. (It's like a video game in itself

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Greetings. I wish to make one point. I give you permission to disobey RadioActiveStreetBum's 5th rule.


Lurkers are always welcome, but it saddens me to see the mystery vanish. Obscure numbers are far more fascinating I think when one has no idea who is behind the numbers. A space alien? A CIA agent? A small child?

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