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Yay someone finally get's my sorry attempts at humor.




Geez do you have to quote me




Don't you think it's kind of ghay





You make me feel so dirty throwing what I typed up in my face.







like here


see what you wrote you M******








I don't know about radio, but it seems you could just duplicate all the stuff that runs the radio


in GECK an save it in another mod, then change all that stuff so that it does what you want.






Idk, I know it's a big project, so just worry about one thing at a time...



But those symbols of greatnes just connect with reason,lol. Naw if it was that simple id done done it. I think its their way of say WORK BOY.





I got it working but cant figure out why it repeats song? I goes thought greeting random and intro it prefect but same song repeats?

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For my radio, I have only one topic. I don't use any dialogue to introduce the music like 3Dog does with GNR songs. My radio just playes the music and nothing else. For my one topic, I have many Infos. Each info is one song. Each Info has the "Run Imidialetly" and "Random" flag set. By default, the radio dialogue starts with the "Radio Hello" topic. That is the only topic in my radio quest. If you have more than one topic (like a bit of speech between songs), then you must use the "Link To" box on each Info and point it to the other topic. If you have an intro speech like "and the next tune is <Song name>" then you will need to use conditions to link the intro speec to the correct song. So in the results script on the intro speech you set some variable to some value, then in the condition box for the song info you setup a condition that that variable is equal to the value set in the intro speech results script.


In detail:


1) setup a quest script for your radio quest like this:


SCN MyRadioQuestScript ;set this script to be a "Quest" type

Short SongToPlay


Then in the results script for the dialogue that says, "And now <Song1> will be played" (or whatever) put a line like this:


Set SongToplay to 1


Also, add the name of the topic that has all your songs to the "Link To" box


Then, in the condition box for the info that uses Song 1, put this:


Getquestvariable (SongToPlay) == 1


Now after the speech, the song will play. You can repeat this process for other songs by assigning them different value to the SongToPlay variable.


I hope this helps...

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For my radio, I have only one topic. I don't use any dialogue to introduce the music like 3Dog does with GNR songs. My radio just playes the music and nothing else. For my one topic, I have many Infos. Each info is one song. Each Info has the "Run Imidialetly" and "Random" flag set. By default, the radio dialogue starts with the "Radio Hello" topic. That is the only topic in my radio quest. If you have more than one topic (like a bit of speech between songs), then you must use the "Link To" box on each Info and point it to the other topic. If you have an intro speech like "and the next tune is <Song name>" then you will need to use conditions to link the intro speec to the correct song. So in the results script on the intro speech you set some variable to some value, then in the condition box for the song info you setup a condition that that variable is equal to the value set in the intro speech results script.


In detail:


1) setup a quest script for your radio quest like this:


SCN MyRadioQuestScript;set this script to be a "Quest" type

Short SongToPlay


Then in the results script for the dialogue that says, "And now <Song1> will be played" (or whatever) put a line like this:


Set SongToplay to 1


Also, add the name of the topic that has all your songs to the "Link To" box


Then, in the condition box for the info that uses Song 1, put this:


Getquestvariable (SongToPlay) == 1


Now after the speech, the song will play. You can repeat this process for other songs by assigning them different value to the SongToPlay variable.


I hope this helps...

Dude make a youtube video it has helped some. Oh and yall be ready for the my mod called "The Prison" I hope it will be released in april. It will be worth the wait, complete original music, and dialogue etc. (still takeing on help if wanna join)

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Is this the Voice Files topic for noobs or the one for the


Experienced ONLY?




I was looking for my noob friends.



Did it work yet?




What's that button do?




Why is my hat sideways? That's not right. NO no no

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Well, now that I've read all this mess in this topic, the only thing I can think to do would be to get a look at the radio station myself. I've made my own station and I think I've got it down. And pkleiss, trust me on this one: scripting is totally unnecessary with radio. :-P
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Well, now that I've read all this mess in this topic, the only thing I can think to do would be to get a look at the radio station myself. I've made my own station and I think I've got it down. And pkleiss, trust me on this one: scripting is totally unnecessary with radio. :-P


Not if you want to keep track of which songs have been played so they don't repeat too often, sir. Just look at GNR, it tracks the last several songs played so they don't repeat for a while. That's all I'm talking about. And if you want a specific song to play after a specific intro, you need to link them up. While that may not be formal scripting, its still scripting.

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Well, now that I've read all this mess in this topic, the only thing I can think to do would be to get a look at the radio station myself. I've made my own station and I think I've got it down. And pkleiss, trust me on this one: scripting is totally unnecessary with radio. :-P


Not if you want to keep track of which songs have been played so they don't repeat too often, sir. Just look at GNR, it tracks the last several songs played so they don't repeat for a while. That's all I'm talking about. And if you want a specific song to play after a specific intro, you need to link them up. While that may not be formal scripting, its still scripting.


Thats the problem I am having the repeating of same song .still figure it.

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