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Need Help With My Companions Script Please


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well this is my first mod that I have done and usually if I run into a problem i try work it out (Even spend DAYS pulling my hair out hahaha) and usually I work out what i have done wrong or what I am missing.


But now am at a loss I have been using the Construction set Wiki A lot and I have looked at other Scripts in the Construction set as well as Some Scripts From Other Companion Mods And they have all been a great help But I cannot find what I am doing wrong.


my Companion script was working great and I started to put in a script so that as he and I get certain levels he will remove his current gear and upgrade it to a new set (I.e. Iron to Steel then Steel to Dwarven Etc)


So basically the problem is this My Companion has a Teleport Script in but I was not sure if it would work in Oblivion, Shivering Isles etc so I put in a script I hoped would fix this problem as well as make sure he comes out of these worlds with me.


Also I put in a script so as I join factions he will join them as well as rank up as I do

Since he will be a member of the player faction I wanted to make sure he got all the same treatments as I did and he had the proper ranks to get area’s without him getting a Trespassing bounty lol


But as soon as I put Both these scripts in it just stopped working. The armor upgrade wouldn’t work, he wouldn’t sneak when I did or get his torch out.


This happened if I put both parts of the script in or just 1 and even if I took them out it ended up the script still wouldn’t work.


So I am hoping someone could help me in telling me where I have gone wrong or if I am missing something. I looked all over the net and I cant see if I needed a “Short” “Long” “Float” of any kind in so I don’t think its that. Sorry this went on abit here are the 2 parts of the script


(yeh i know there long but from start to finish its all the same basically exept what rank and faction etc and what world)



;Join Factions with Player and Advance in Ranks as Player Does Or Remove Faction/Rank If Player leaves or is Removed

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 0

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 1

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 2
RazielRef.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 2

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 3
RazielRef.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 3

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 4
RazielRef.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 4

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 5
RazielRef.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 5

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 6
RazielRef.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 6

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 7
RazielRef.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 7

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 8
RazielRef.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 8

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 9
RazielRef.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 9

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, -1

;Mages Guild
If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 0

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 1

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 2
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 2

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 3
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 3

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 4
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 4

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 5
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 5

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 6
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 6

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 7
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 7

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 8
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 8

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 9
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 9

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, -1

;Nine Divines
If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 0

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 1

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 2
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 2

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 3
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 3

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 4
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 4

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 5
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 5

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 6
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 6

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 7
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 7

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 8
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 8

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 9
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 9

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NineDivines, -1

;Court of Madness
If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 0

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 1

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 2
RazielRef.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 2

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 3
RazielRef.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 3

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 4
RazielRef.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 4

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 5
RazielRef.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 5

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 6
RazielRef.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 6

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 7
RazielRef.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 7

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 8
RazielRef.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 8

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 9
RazielRef.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 9

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, -1

;Thieves Guild
If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 0

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 1

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 2
RazielRef.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 2

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 3
RazielRef.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 3

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 4
RazielRef.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 4

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 5
RazielRef.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 5

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 6
RazielRef.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 6

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 7
RazielRef.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 7

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, -1

;Dark Brotherhood
If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 0

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 1

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 2
RazielRef.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 2

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 3
RazielRef.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 3

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 4
RazielRef.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 4

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 5
RazielRef.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 5

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 6
RazielRef.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 6

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 7
RazielRef.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 7

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, -1

;Knights of the Nine
If GetPCInFaction NDKnightsoftheNine == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine, 0

If GetPCInFaction NDKnightsoftheNine == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine == 1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine, 1

If GetPCInFaction NDKnightsoftheNine == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine == 2
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine, 2

If GetPCInFaction NDKnightsoftheNine == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine, -1

If GetPCInFaction Blades == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank Blades == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank Blades, 0

If GetPCInFaction Blades == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank Blades == 1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank Blades, 1

If GetPCInFaction Blades == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank Blades == 2
RazielRef.SetFactionRank Blades, 2

If GetPCInFaction Blades == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank Blades == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank Blades, -1

;Blackwood Company
If GetPCInFaction BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank BlackwoodCompanyFACTION, 0

If GetPCInFaction BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == 1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank BlackwoodCompanyFACTION, 1

If GetPCInFaction BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank BlackwoodCompanyFACTION, -1

;Knights of the Thorn
If GetPCInFaction KnightsThornFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank KnightsThornFaction == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank KnightsThornFaction, 0

If GetPCInFaction KnightsThornFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank KnightsThornFaction == 1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank KnightsThornFaction, 1

If GetPCInFaction KnightsThornFaction == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank KnightsThornFaction == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank KnightsThornFaction, -1

;Mythic Dawn
If GetPCInFaction MythicDawn == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MythicDawn == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MythicDawn, 0

If GetPCInFaction MythicDawn == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MythicDawn == 1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MythicDawn, 1

If GetPCInFaction MythicDawn == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank MythicDawn == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MythicDawn, -1

;Order of the Virtuous Blood
If GetPCInFaction OrderoftheVirtuousBlood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank OrderoftheVirtuousBlood == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank OrderoftheVirtuousBlood, 0

If GetPCInFaction OrderoftheVirtuousBlood == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank OrderoftheVirtuousBlood == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank OrderoftheVirtuousBlood, -1

;Knights of the White Stallion
If GetPCInFaction KnightsWhiteStallion == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank KnightsWhiteStallion == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank KnightsWhiteStallion, 0

If GetPCInFaction KnightsWhiteStallion == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank KnightsWhiteStallion == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank KnightsWhiteStallion, -1

;Order of the Dragon
If GetPCInFaction MQEndFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MQEndFaction == 0 
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MQEndFaction, 0

If GetPCInFaction MQEndFaction == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank MQEndFaction == -1
RazielRef.SetFactionRank MQEndFaction, -1

And here is the Oblivion etc Part

;Ok Lets Make Sure Our Compantion(s) Enter And/Or Exit World Space's With us

If Player GetInWorldspace MQ10BrumaOblivionGate == 1 && GetInWorldspace MQ10BrumaOblivionGate == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace MQ10BrumaOblivionGate == 0 && GetInWorldspace MQ10BrumaOblivionGate == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace MS13CheydinhalOblivionWorld == 1 && GetInWorldspace MS13CheydinhalOblivionWorld == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace MS13CheydinhalOblivionWorld == 0 && GetInWorldspace MS13CheydinhalOblivionWorld == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace MQ14OblivionWorld == 1 && GetInWorldspace MQ14OblivionWorld == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace MQ14OblivionWorld == 0 && GetInWorldspace MQ14OblivionWorld == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionMQKvatch == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionMQKvatch == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionMQKvatch == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionMQKvatch == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD001 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD001 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD001 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD001 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD002 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD002 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD002 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD002 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD003 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD003 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD003 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD003 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD004 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD004 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD004 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD004 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD005 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD005 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD005 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD005 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD006 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD006 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD006 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD006 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD007 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD007 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD007 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD007 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace CamoranParadise == 1 && GetInWorldspace CamoranParadise == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace CamoranParadise == 0 && GetInWorldspace CamoranParadise == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace DABoethiaRealm == 1 && GetInWorldspace DABoethiaRealm == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace DABoethiaRealm == 0 && GetInWorldspace DABoethiaRealm == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace DAPeryiteRealm == 1 && GetInWorldspace DAPeryiteRealm == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace DAPeryiteRealm == 0 && GetInWorldspace DAPeryiteRealm == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace DreamWorld == 1 && GetInWorldspace DreamWorld == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace DreamWorld == 0 && GetInWorldspace DreamWorld == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace DreamWorld02 == 1 && GetInWorldspace DreamWorld02 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace DreamWorld02 == 0 && GetInWorldspace DreamWorld02 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace MS14World == 1 && GetInWorldspace MS14World == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace MS14World == 0 && GetInWorldspace MS14World == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace MS37World  == 1 && GetInWorldspace MS37World  == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace MS37World  == 0 && GetInWorldspace MS37World  == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace ArkvedsTowerWorld  == 1 && GetInWorldspace ArkvedsTowerWorld  == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace ArkvedsTowerWorld  == 0 && GetInWorldspace ArkvedsTowerWorld  == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ13OblivionWorld == 1 && GetInCell MQ13OblivionWorld == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ13OblivionWorld == 0 && GetInCell MQ13OblivionWorld == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14Oblivion == 1 && GetInCell MQ14Oblivion == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14Oblivion == 0 && GetInCell MQ14Oblivion == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaOblivion == 1 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaOblivion == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaOblivion == 0 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaOblivion == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCave01 == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCave01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCave01 == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCave01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCave02 == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCave02 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCave02 == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCave02 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadel == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadel == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadel == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadel == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadelLord == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadelLord == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadelLord == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadelLord == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionHall01 == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionHall01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionHall01 == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionHall01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionHall02 == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionHall02 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionHall02 == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionHall02 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionSmallTower01 == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionSmallTower01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionSmallTower01 == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionSmallTower01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCaveInterior == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCaveInterior == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCaveInterior == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCaveInterior == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadel == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadel == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadel == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadel == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelHall01 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelHall01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelHall01 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelHall01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelLord == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelLord == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelLord == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelLord == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft01 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft01 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft02 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft02 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft02 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft02 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft03 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft03 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft03 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft03 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight01 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight01 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight02 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight02 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight02 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight02 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight03 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight03 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight03 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight03 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadel == 1 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadel == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadel == 0 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadel == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadelLord == 1 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadelLord == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadelLord == 0 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadelLord == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall01 == 1 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall01 == 0 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall02 == 1 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall02 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall02 == 0 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall02 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If GetPlayerInSeWorld == 1 && GetInWorldSpace SeWorld == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
Message "Raziel Doesnt Like The Big Scary Head!!"
ElseIf GetPlayerinSeWorld == 0 && GetInWorldSpace SeWorld == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
Message "Raziel Is Glad To Be Home To Reality"



I thank anyone that could help me and i thank you for taking the time to read this as well.

P.s Alot of the Still goes over my head its all been based on trial and error so please keep things simple if you can thanks

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hmm ok so no one want to help me or what???


well i hope someone can help me because am like well going nuts and i have another problem




I added More parts in so he will upgrade his armor and weapons as he levels up with me


is there anyway i can just have the begining of the script as my Companions main part and have the script like get another script

Exp when my companion levels the script loads the other script to get the new/upgrade armor part then goes back to the normal Script????


PLEASE can anyone help i cant finish my mod untill my 2 companions work (my 2nd use's same type of script) and theres no point in my finishing the rest of my mod if i cant get this part done

Or at least can someone please help me on the Getting my Conpanions In/Out if Factions and WorldSpace's when i do

i dont want them to just have 1 set of armor all the way through but well if its impossible guess i'll have to make do lol


its also giving me abit of a headache but i guess thats cos am at the point of :wallbash:

Heres the well long script


Scriptname RazielCombatScript

Short Sneakflag
Short DoOnce1
Short DoOnce2
Short DoOnce3
Short DoOnce4
Short CrimeGold
Ref Raziel

Begin GameMode

;Teleport If Range Exceeds
If GetDistance Player > 3000 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
Message "Raziel Sprints To You.", 1
MoveTo Player


If Player.IsSneaking == 1 && IsInCombat == 0 && SneakFlag == 0 && Getdead == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
SetForceSneak 1
Set SneakFlag to 1

If SneakFlag == 1 && Player.IsSneaking == 0
SetForceSneak 0
Set SneakFlag to 0

;Cast Chameleon If Sneaking With Player
If Player.IsSneaking == 1 && IsInCombat == 0 && SneakFlag == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielStayPlease == 0 && HasMagicEffect CHML == 0 && DoOnce2 == 0 
Cast StandardChameleon3Journeyman RazielRef
Set DoOnce1 To 1

If HasMagicEffect CHML == 1
Set DoOnce1 To 0

;Use Torch
If Player.IsTorchOut == 1 && GetEquipped Torch02 == 0 && DoOnce2 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielStayPlease == 0 && IsInCombat == 0 
AddItem Torch02 1
EquipItem Torch02
Set DoOnce2 To 1

If Player.IsTorchOut == 0 && GetEquipped Torch02 == 1
UnEquipItem Torch02
RemoveItem Torch02 1
Set DoOnce2 To 0

;Just Incase Our Torch Runs Out Of health
If Player.IsTorchOut == 1 && GetEquipped Torch02 == 0 && DoOnce2 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielStayPlease == 0 && IsInCombat == 0 
AddItem Torch02 1
EquipItem Torch02
;Change Combat Style

If IsInCombat == 1
GetCombatTarget == 1 && GetDistance >= 600
SetCombatStyle DefaultArcher

ElseIf IsInCombat == 1
GetCombatTarget == 1 && GetDistance <= 150
SetCombatstyle DefaultMelee

;Vampire Sun AlarmClock
If PcVampire == 1 && IsInInterior == 0 && GetCurrentTime >=5 && GetCurrentTime <= 20 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
Message "The Sun Will Be coming Up Soon"


If PcVampire == 1 && IsInInterior == 1 && GetCurrentTime >= 20 && IsPCSleeping == 1 && Player.IsPlayerInJail == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
Message "The Sun Is Setting We can Go Out Soon If You Wish"


ElseIf PcVampire == 1 && IsInInterior == 1 && GetCurrentTime >= 20 && IsPCSleeping == 0 && Player.IsPlayerInJail== 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
Message "The Sun Is Setting We can Go Out Soon If You Wish"


If IsInCombat == 0 && Player.IsInCombat == 0 && GetCrimeGold >0
Set CrimeGold to 0
Message "Bounties Have Been Cleared"


;Ok Lets Make Sure Our Companion Upgrades His Armor As we Level up

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 0 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 3) && (Player.GetLevel == 3)

UnEquipItem IronBoots
RemoveItem IronBoots 1
UnEquipItem IronCuirassOfWaterBreathing
RemoveItem IronCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
UnEquipItem IronGauntlets
RemoveItem IronGauntlets 1
UnEquipItem IronGreaves
RemoveItem IronGreaves 1
UnEquipItem IronShield
RemoveItem IronShield 1
Set DoOnce3 To 1

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 1 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 3) && (Player.GetLevel == 3)

AddItem SteelBoots 1
EquipItem SteelBoots
AddItem SteelCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
EquipItem SteelCuirassOfWaterBreathing
AddItem SteelGauntlets 1
EquipItem SteelGauntlets
AddItem SteelGreaves 1
EquipItem SteelGreaves
AddItem SteelShield 1
EquipItem SteelShield
Set DoOnce3 To 2

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 2 && GetItemCount SteelBoots == 1 && GetItemCount SteelCuirassOfWaterBreathing == 1 && GetItemCount SteelGauntlets && GetItemCount SteelGreaves == 1 && GetItemCount  SteelShield == 1 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 6) && (Player.GetLevel == 6)

UnEquipItem SteelBoots
RemoveItem SteelBoots 1
UnEquipItem SteelCuirassOfWaterBreathing
RemoveItem SteelCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
UnEquipItem SteelGauntlets
RemoveItem SteelGauntlets 1
UnEquipItem SteelGreaves
RemoveItem SteelGreaves 1
UnEquipItem SteelShield
RemoveItem SteelShield 1
Set DoOnce3 To 3

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 3 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 6) && (Player.GetLevel == 6)

AddItem DwarvenBoots 1
EquipItem DwarvenBoots
AddItem DwarvenCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
EquipItem DwarvenCuirassOfWaterBreathing
AddItem DwarvenGauntlets 1
EquipItem DwarvenGauntlets
AddItem DwarvenGreaves 1
EquipItem DwarvenGreaves
AddItem DwarvenShield 1
EquipItem DwarvenShield
Set DoOnce3 To 4

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 4 && GetItemCount DwarvenBoots == 1 && GetItemCount DwarvenCuirassOfWaterBreathing == 1 && GetItemCount DwarvenGauntlets && GetItemCount DwarvenGreaves == 1 && GetItemCount  DwarvenShield == 1 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 10) && (Player.GetLevel == 10)

UnEquipItem DwarvenBoots
RemoveItem DwarvenBoots 1
UnEquipItem DwarvenCuirassOfWaterBreathing
RemoveItem DwarvenCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
UnEquipItem DwarvenGauntlets
RemoveItem DwarvenGauntlets 1
UnEquipItem DwarvenGreaves
RemoveItem DwarvenGreaves 1
UnEquipItem DwarvenShield
RemoveItem DwarvenShield 1
Set DoOnce3 To 5

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 5 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 10) && (Player.GetLevel == 10)

AddItem OrcishBoots 1
EquipItem OrcishBoots
AddItem OrcishCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
EquipItem OrcishCuirassOfWaterBreathing
AddItem OrcishGauntlets 1
EquipItem OrcishGauntlets
AddItem OrcishGreaves 1
EquipItem OrcishGreaves
AddItem OrcishShield 1
EquipItem OrcishShield
Set DoOnce3 To 6

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 6 && GetItemCount OrcishBoots == 1 && GetItemCount OrcishCuirassOfWaterBreathing == 1 && GetItemCount OrcishGauntlets && GetItemCount OrcishGreaves == 1 && GetItemCount  OrcishShield == 1 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 15) && (Player.GetLevel == 15)

UnEquipItem OrcishBoots
RemoveItem OrcishBoots 1
UnEquipItem OrcishCuirassOfWaterBreathing
RemoveItem OrcishCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
UnEquipItem OrcishGauntlets
RemoveItem OrcishGauntlets 1
UnEquipItem OrcishGreaves
RemoveItem OrcishGreaves 1
UnEquipItem OrcishShield
RemoveItem OrcishShield 1
Set DoOnce3 To 7

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 7 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 15) && (Player.GetLevel == 15)

AddItem EbonyBoots 1
EquipItem EbonyBoots
AddItem EbonyCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
EquipItem EbonyCuirassOfWaterBreathing
AddItem EbonyGauntlets 1
EquipItem EbonyGauntlets
AddItem EbonyGreaves 1
EquipItem EbonyGreaves
AddItem EbonyShield 1
EquipItem EbonyShield
Set DoOnce3 To 8

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 8 && GetItemCount EbonyBoots == 1 && GetItemCount EbonyCuirassOfWaterBreathing == 1 && GetItemCount EbonyGauntlets && GetItemCount EbonyGreaves == 1 && GetItemCount  EbonyShield == 1 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 20) && (Player.GetLevel == 20)

UnEquipItem EbonyBoots
RemoveItem EbonyBoots 1
UnEquipItem EbonyCuirassOfWaterBreathing
RemoveItem EbonyCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
UnEquipItem EbonyGauntlets
RemoveItem EbonyGauntlets 1
UnEquipItem EbonyGreaves
RemoveItem EbonyGreaves 1
UnEquipItem EbonyShield
RemoveItem EbonyShield 1
Set DoOnce3 To 9

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 9 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 20) && (Player.GetLevel == 20)

AddItem DaedricBoots 1
EquipItem DaedricBoots
AddItem DaedricCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
EquipItem DaedricCuirassOfWaterBreathing
AddItem DaedricGauntlets 1
EquipItem DaedricGauntlets
AddItem DaedricGreaves 1
EquipItem DaedricGreaves
AddItem DaedricShield 1
EquipItem DaedricShield
Set DoOnce3 To 10

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 10 && GetItemCount DaedricBoots == 1 && GetItemCount DaedricCuirassOfWaterBreathing == 1 && GetItemCount DaedricGauntlets && GetItemCount DaedricGreaves == 1 && GetItemCount  DaedricShield == 1 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 23) && (Player.GetLevel == 23)

UnEquipItem DaedricBoots
RemoveItem DaedricBoots 1
UnEquipItem DaedricCuirassOfWaterBreathing
RemoveItem DaedricCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
UnEquipItem DaedricGauntlets
RemoveItem DaedricGauntlets 1
UnEquipItem DaedricGreaves
RemoveItem DaedricGreaves 1
UnEquipItem DaedricShield
RemoveItem DaedricShield 1
Set DoOnce3 To 11

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 11 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 23) && (Player.GetLevel == 23)

AddItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryBoots 1
EquipItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryBoots
AddItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
EquipItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryCuirassOfWaterBreathing
AddItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryGauntlets 1
EquipItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryGauntlets
AddItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryGreaves 1
EquipItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryGreaves
AddItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryShield 1
EquipItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryShield
Set DoOnce3 To 12

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 12 && GetItemCount KibukasReinforcedIvoryBoots == 1 && GetItemCount KibukasReinforcedIvoryCuirassOfWaterBreathing == 1 && GetItemCount KibukasReinforcedIvoryGauntlets && GetItemCount KibukasReinforcedIvoryGreaves == 1 && GetItemCount  KibukasReinforcedIvoryShield == 1 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 25) && (Player.GetLevel == 25)

UnEquipItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryBoots
RemoveItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryBoots 1
UnEquipItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryCuirassOfWaterBreathing
RemoveItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
UnEquipItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryGauntlets
RemoveItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryGauntlets 1
UnEquipItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryGreaves
RemoveItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryGreaves 1
UnEquipItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryShield
RemoveItem KibukasReinforcedIvoryShield 1
Set DoOnce3 To 13

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 13 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 25) && (Player.GetLevel == 25)

AddItem SauronsBoots 1
EquipItem SauronsBoots
AddItem SauronsCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
EquipItem SauronsCuirassOfWaterBreathing
AddItem SauronsGauntlets 1
EquipItem SauronsGauntlets
AddItem SauronsGreaves 1
EquipItem SauronsGreaves
AddItem DragonClawShield 1
EquipItem DragonClawShield
Set DoOnce3 To 14

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 14 && GetItemCount SauronsBoots == 1 && GetItemCount SauronsCuirassOfWaterBreathing == 1 && GetItemCount SauronsGauntlets && GetItemCount SauronsGreaves == 1 && GetItemCount  DragonClawShield == 1 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 29) && (Player.GetLevel == 29)

UnEquipItem SauronsBoots
RemoveItem SauronsBoots 1
UnEquipItem SauronsCuirassOfWaterBreathing
RemoveItem SauronsCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
UnEquipItem SauronsGauntlets
RemoveItem SauronsGauntlets 1
UnEquipItem SauronsGreaves
RemoveItem SauronsGreaves 1
UnEquipItem DragonClawShield
RemoveItem DragonClawShield 1
Set DoOnce3 To 15

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 15 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 29) && (Player.GetLevel == 29)

AddItem BlackPlateBoots 1
EquipItem BlackPlateBoots
AddItem BlackPlateCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
EquipItem BlackPlateCuirassOfWaterBreathing
AddItem BlackPlateGauntlets 1
EquipItem BlackPlateGauntlets
AddItem BlackPlateGreaves 1
EquipItem BlackPlateGreaves
AddItem DarkFlameShield 1
EquipItem DarkFlameShield
Set DoOnce3 To 16

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 16 && GetItemCount BlackPlateBoots == 1 && GetItemCount BlackPlateCuirassOfWaterBreathing == 1 && GetItemCount BlackPlateGauntlets && GetItemCount BlackPlateGreaves == 1 && GetItemCount  DarkFlameShield == 1 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 32) && (Player.GetLevel == 32)

UnEquipItem BlackPlateBoots
RemoveItem BlackPlateBoots 1
UnEquipItem BlackPlateCuirassOfWaterBreathing
RemoveItem BlackPlateCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
UnEquipItem BlackPlateGauntlets
RemoveItem BlackPlateGauntlets 1
UnEquipItem BlackPlateGreaves
RemoveItem BlackPlateGreaves 1
UnEquipItem DarkFlameShield
RemoveItem DarkFlameShield 1
Set DoOnce3 To 17

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 17 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 32) && (Player.GetLevel == 32)

AddItem AyleidGuardBoots 1
EquipItem AyleidGuardBoots
AddItem AyleidGuardCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
EquipItem AyleidGuardCuirassOfWaterBreathing
AddItem AyleidGuardGauntlets 1
EquipItem AyleidGuardGauntlets
AddItem AyleidGuardGreaves 1
EquipItem AyleidGuardGreaves
AddItem ReinforcedAyliedShield 1
EquipItem ReinforcedAyliedShield
Set DoOnce3 To 18

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 18 && GetItemCount AyleidGuardBoots == 1 && GetItemCount AyleidGuardCuirassOfWaterBreathing == 1 && GetItemCount AyleidGuardGauntlets && GetItemCount AyleidGuardGreaves == 1 && GetItemCount  ReinforcedAyliedShield == 1 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 36) && (Player.GetLevel == 36)

UnEquipItem AyleidGuardBoots
RemoveItem AyleidGuardBoots 1
UnEquipItem AyleidGuardCuirassOfWaterBreathing
RemoveItem AyleidGuardCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
UnEquipItem AyleidGuardGauntlets
RemoveItem AyleidGuardGauntlets 1
UnEquipItem AyleidGuardGreaves
RemoveItem AyleidGuardGreaves 1
UnEquipItem ReinforcedAyliedShield
RemoveItem ReinforcedAyliedShield 1
Set DoOnce3 To 19

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 19 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 36) && (Player.GetLevel == 36)

AddItem DreadKnightBoots 1
EquipItem DreadKnightBoots
AddItem DreadKnightCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
EquipItem DreadKnightCuirassOfWaterBreathing
AddItem DreadKnightGauntlets 1
EquipItem DreadKnightGauntlets
AddItem DreadKnightGreaves 1
EquipItem DreadKnightGreaves
AddItem BlackLusterFrameShield 1
EquipItem BlackLusterFrameShield
Set DoOnce3 To 20
;Ok Lets Make Sure Our Companion Upgrades His Weapons As we Level up

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 0 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 2) && (Player.GetLevel == 2)

UnEquipItem WeapIronLongswordFine
RemoveItem WeapIronLongswordFine 1
UnEquipItem WeapIronBowFine
RemoveItem WeapIronBowFine 1
If GetItemCount Arrow1Iron > 0
RemoveItem Arrow1Iron 1
Set DoOnce4 To 1

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 1 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 2) && (Player.GetLevel == 2)

AddItem WeapSteelLongswordFine 1
EquipItem WeapSteelLongswordFine
AddItem WeapSteelBowFine 1
AddItem Arrow2Steel 200
Set DoOnce4 To 2

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 2 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 4) && (Player.GetLevel == 4)

UnEquipItem WeapSteelLongswordFine
RemoveItem WeapSteelLongswordFine 1
UnEquipItem WeapSteelBowFine
RemoveItem WeapSteelBowFine 1
If GetItemCount Arrow2Steel > 0
RemoveItem Arrow2Steel 1
Set DoOnce4 To 3

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 3 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 4) && (Player.GetLevel == 4)

AddItem WeapSilverLongsword 1
EquipItem WeapSilverLongsword
AddItem WeapSilverBow 1
AddItem Arrow3Silver 200
Set DoOnce4 To 4

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 4 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 6) && (Player.GetLevel == 6)

UnEquipItem WeapSilverLongsword
RemoveItem WeapSilverLongsword 1
UnEquipItem WeapSilverBow
RemoveItem WeapSilverBow 1
If GetItemCount Arrow3Silver > 0
RemoveItem Arrow3Silver 1
Set DoOnce4 To 5

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 5 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 6) && (Player.GetLevel == 6)

AddItem WeapDwarvenLongsword 1
EquipItem WeapDwarvenLongsword
AddItem WeapDwarvenBow 1
AddItem Arrow4Dwarven 200
Set DoOnce4 To 6

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 6 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 9) && (Player.GetLevel == 9)

UnEquipItem WeapDwarvenLongsword
RemoveItem WeapDwarvenLongsword 1
UnEquipItem WeapDwarvenBow
RemoveItem WeapDwarvenBow 1
If GetItemCount Arrow4Dwarven > 0
RemoveItem Arrow4Dwarven 1
Set DoOnce4 To 7

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 7 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 9) && (Player.GetLevel == 9)

AddItem WeapElvenLongsword 1
EquipItem WeapElvenLongsword
AddItem WeapElvenBow 1
AddItem Arrow5Elven 200
Set DoOnce4 To 8

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 8 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 12) && (Player.GetLevel == 12)

UnEquipItem WeapElvenLongsword
RemoveItem WeapElvenLongsword 1
UnEquipItem WeapElvenBow
RemoveItem WeapElvenBow 1
If GetItemCount Arrow5Elven > 0
RemoveItem Arrow5Elven 1
Set DoOnce4 To 9

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 9 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 12) && (Player.GetLevel == 12)

AddItem WeapGlassLongsword 1
EquipItem WeapGlassLongsword
AddItem WeapGlassBow 1
AddItem Arrow6Glass 200
Set DoOnce4 To 10

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 10 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 16) && (Player.GetLevel == 16)

UnEquipItem WeapGlassLongsword
RemoveItem WeapGlassLongsword 1
UnEquipItem WeapGlassBow
RemoveItem WeapGlassBow 1
If GetItemCount Arrow6Glass > 0
RemoveItem Arrow6Glass 1
Set DoOnce4 To 11

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 11 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 16) && (Player.GetLevel == 16)

AddItem WeapEbonyLongsword 1
EquipItem WeapEbonyLongsword
AddItem WeapEbonyBow 1
AddItem Arrow7Ebony 200
Set DoOnce4 To 12

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 12 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 20) && (Player.GetLevel == 20)

UnEquipItem WeapEbonyLongsword
RemoveItem WeapEbonyLongsword 1
UnEquipItem WeapEbonyBow
RemoveItem WeapEbonyBow 1
If GetItemCount Arrow7Ebony > 0
RemoveItem Arrow7Ebony 1
Set DoOnce4 To 13

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 13 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 20) && (Player.GetLevel == 20)

AddItem WeapDaedricLongsword 1
EquipItem WeapDaedricLongsword
AddItem WeapDaedricBow 1
AddItem Arrow8Daedric 200
Set DoOnce4 To 14

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 14 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 23) && (Player.GetLevel == 23)

UnEquipItem WeapDaedricLongsword
RemoveItem WeapDaedricLongsword 1
UnEquipItem WeapDaedricBow
RemoveItem WeapDaedricBow 1
If GetItemCount Arrow8Daedric > 0
RemoveItem Arrow8Daedric 1
Set DoOnce4 To 15

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 15 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 23) && (Player.GetLevel == 23)

AddItem KibukasIvorySword 1
EquipItem KibukasIvorySword
AddItem SaintsLongBow 1
AddItem MeteoricWelkyndArrow 200
Set DoOnce4 To 16

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 16 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 25) && (Player.GetLevel == 25)

UnEquipItem KibukasIvorySword
RemoveItem KibukasIvorySword 1
UnEquipItem SaintsLongBow
RemoveItem SaintsLongBow 1
If GetItemCount MeteoricWelkyndArrow > 0
RemoveItem MeteoricWelkyndArrow 1
Set DoOnce4 To 17

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 17 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 25) && (Player.GetLevel == 25)

AddItem DragonClawSword 1
EquipItem DragonClawSword
AddItem DoomshardsBow 1
AddItem SaintsArrow 200
Set DoOnce4 To 18

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 17 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 27) && (Player.GetLevel == 27)

RemoveItem DoomshardsBow 1
AddItem DarkAdventuressBow 1
Set DoOnce4 To 18

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 18 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 29) && (Player.GetLevel == 29)

UnEquipItem DragonClawSword
RemoveItem DragonClawSword 1
UnEquipItem DarkAdventuressBow
RemoveItem DarkAdventuressBow 1
If GetItemCount SaintsArrow > 0
RemoveItem SaintsArrow 1
Set DoOnce4 To 19

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 19 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 29) && (Player.GetLevel == 29)

AddItem DarkFlameSword 1
EquipItem DarkFlameSword
AddItem BlackLusterLongBow 1
AddItem DarkAdventuressArrows 200
Set DoOnce4 To 20

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 20 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 32) && (Player.GetLevel == 32)

UnEquipItem DarkFlameSword
RemoveItem DarkFlameSword 1
UnEquipItem BlackLusterLongBow
RemoveItem BlackLusterLongBow 1
Set DoOnce4 To 21

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 21 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 32) && (Player.GetLevel == 32)

AddItem AyleidWelkyndLongSword 1
EquipItem AyleidWelkyndLongSword
AddItem DreadDoomshardBow 1
Set DoOnce4 To 22

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 22 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 33) && (Player.GetLevel == 33)

If GetItemCount DarkAdventuressArrows > 0
RemoveItem DarkAdventuressArrows 1
AddItem BlackLusterArrow 200
Set DoOnce 4 To 23

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 23 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 34) && (Player.GetLevel == 34)

UnEquipItem DreadDoomshardBow
RemoveItem DreadDoomshardBow 1
AddItem AyleidBow 1
Set DoOnce 4 To 24

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 24 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 36) && (Player.GetLevel == 36)

UnEquipItem AyleidWelkyndLongSword
RemoveItem AyleidWelkyndLongSword 1
UnEquipItem AyleidBow
RemoveItem AyleidBow 1
If GetItemCount BlackLusterArrow > 0
RemoveItem BlackLusterArrow 1
Set DoOnce4 To 25

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 25 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 36) && (Player.GetLevel == 36)

AddItem DreadKnightLongword 1
EquipItem DreadKnightLongword
AddItem DreadweaveBow 1
AddItem DreadweaveArrow 200
Set DoOnce4 To 26
;Ok we Got Our Last Armor And Weapons Lets Make Sure There Always Full Health

If GetCurrentTime > 16 && GetCurrentTime < 17 && DoOnce3 == 20
Set DoOnce3 To 21

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 21 && GetItemCount DreadKnightBoots == 1 && GetItemCount DreadKnightCuirassOfWaterBreathing == 1 && GetItemCount DreadKnightGauntlets && GetItemCount DreadKnightGreaves == 1 && GetItemCount  BlackLusterFrameShield == 1 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 36) && (Player.GetLevel == 36)

UnEquipItem DreadKnightBoots
RemoveItem DreadKnightBoots 1
UnEquipItem DreadKnightCuirassOfWaterBreathing
RemoveItem DreadKnightCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
UnEquipItem DreadKnightGauntlets
RemoveItem DreadKnightGauntlets 1
UnEquipItem DreadKnightGreaves
RemoveItem DreadKnightGreaves 1
UnEquipItem BlackLusterFrameShield
RemoveItem BlackLusterFrameShield 1
Set DoOnce3 To 22

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce3 == 22 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 36) && (Player.GetLevel == 36)

AddItem DreadKnightBoots 1
EquipItem DreadKnightBoots
AddItem DreadKnightCuirassOfWaterBreathing 1
EquipItem DreadKnightCuirassOfWaterBreathing
AddItem DreadKnightGauntlets 1
EquipItem DreadKnightGauntlets
AddItem DreadKnightGreaves 1
EquipItem DreadKnightGreaves
AddItem BlackLusterFrameShield 1
EquipItem BlackLusterFrameShield
Set DoOnce3 To 20


If GetCurrentTime > 16 && GetCurrentTime < 17 && DoOnce4 == 26
Set DoOnce4 To 27

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 27 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 36) && (Player.GetLevel == 36)

UnEquipItem DreadKnightLongword
RemoveItem DreadKnightLongword 1
UnEquipItem DreadweaveBow
RemoveItem DreadweaveBow 1
Set DoOnce4 To 27

If GetCurrentTime > 13 && GetCurrentTime < 15 && IsInCombat == 0 && DoOnce4 == 28 && (RazielRef.GetLevel == 36) && (Player.GetLevel == 36)

AddItem DreadKnightLongword 1
EquipItem DreadKnightLongword
AddItem DreadweaveBow 1
Set DoOnce4 To 26
;Ok Lets Make Sure We Never Run Out Of Arrows And Only Top Up The Arrows Were Actually Using For Our Level

If DoOnce4 == 0 && (RazielRef.GetLevel  < 2) && (Player.GetLevel < 2)

If GetItemCount Arrow1Iron <=10
AddItem Arrow1Iron 190

If DoOnce4 == 1 && (RazielRef.GetLevel  < 4) && (Player.GetLevel < 4)

If GetItemCount Arrow2Steel <=10
AddItem Arrow2Steel 190

If DoOnce4 == 3 && (RazielRef.GetLevel  < 6) && (Player.GetLevel < 6)

If GetItemCount Arrow3Silver <=10
AddItem Arrow3Silver 190

If DoOnce4 == 5 && (RazielRef.GetLevel  < 9) && (Player.GetLevel < 9)

If GetItemCount Arrow4Dwarven <=10
AddItem Arrow4Dwarven 190

If DoOnce4 == 7 && (RazielRef.GetLevel  < 12) && (Player.GetLevel < 12)

If GetItemCount Arrow5Elven <=10
AddItem Arrow5Elven 190

If DoOnce4 == 9 && (RazielRef.GetLevel  < 16) && (Player.GetLevel < 16)

If GetItemCount Arrow6Glass <=10
AddItem Arrow6Glass 190

If DoOnce4 == 11 && (RazielRef.GetLevel  < 20) && (Player.GetLevel < 20)

If GetItemCount Arrow7Ebony <=10
AddItem Arrow7Ebony 190

If DoOnce4 == 13 && (RazielRef.GetLevel  < 23) && (Player.GetLevel < 23)

If GetItemCount Arrow8Daedric <=10
AddItem Arrow8Daedric 190

If DoOnce4 == 15 && (RazielRef.GetLevel  < 25) && (Player.GetLevel < 25)

If GetItemCount MeteoricWelkyndArrow <=10
AddItem MeteoricWelkyndArrow 190

If DoOnce4 => 17 && DoOnce4 < 19 && (RazielRef.GetLevel  < 29) && (Player.GetLevel < 29)

If GetItemCount SaintsArrow <=10
AddItem SaintsArrow 190

If DoOnce4 => 19 && DoOnce4 < 22 && (RazielRef.GetLevel  < 33) && (Player.GetLevel < 33)

If GetItemCount DarkAdventuressArrows <=10
AddItem DarkAdventuressArrows 190

If DoOnce4 => 22 && DoOnce4 < 24 && (RazielRef.GetLevel  < 36) && (Player.GetLevel < 36)

If GetItemCount BlackLusterArrow <=10
AddItem BlackLusterArrow 190

If DoOnce4 => 25 && (RazielRef.GetLevel  => 36) && (Player.GetLevel => 36)

If GetItemCount DreadweaveArrow <=10
AddItem DreadweaveArrow 190
;Join Factions with Player and Advance in Ranks as Player Does Or Remove Faction/Rank If Player leaves or is Removed

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 0

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 1
Raziel.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 1

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 2
Raziel.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 2

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 3
Raziel.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 3

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 4
Raziel.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 4

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 5
Raziel.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 5

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 6
Raziel.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 6

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 7
Raziel.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 7

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 8
Raziel.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 8

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == 9
Raziel.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, 9

If GetPCInFaction FightersGuild == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank FightersGuild == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank FightersGuild, -1

;Mages Guild
If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 0

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 1
Raziel.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 1

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 2
Raziel.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 2

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 3
Raziel.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 3

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 4
Raziel.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 4

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 5
Raziel.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 5

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 6
Raziel.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 6

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 7
Raziel.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 7

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 8
Raziel.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 8

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == 9
Raziel.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, 9

If GetPCInFaction MagesGuild == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank MagesGuild == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank MagesGuild, -1

;Nine Divines
If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 0

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 1
Raziel.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 1

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 2
Raziel.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 2

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 3
Raziel.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 3

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 4
Raziel.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 4

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 5
Raziel.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 5

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 6
Raziel.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 6

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 7
Raziel.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 7

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 8
Raziel.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 8

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == 9
Raziel.SetFactionRank NineDivines, 9

If GetPCInFaction NineDivines == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank NineDivines == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank NineDivines, -1

;Court of Madness
If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 0

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1
Raziel.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 1

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 2
Raziel.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 2

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 3
Raziel.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 3

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 4
Raziel.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 4

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 5
Raziel.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 5

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 6
Raziel.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 6

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 7
Raziel.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 7

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 8
Raziel.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 8

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == 9
Raziel.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, 9

If GetPCInFaction SECourtofMadnessFaction == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank SECourtofMadnessFaction, -1

;Thieves Guild
If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 0

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 1
Raziel.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 1

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 2
Raziel.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 2

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 3
Raziel.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 3

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 4
Raziel.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 4

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 5
Raziel.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 5

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 6
Raziel.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 6

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == 7
Raziel.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, 7

If GetPCInFaction ThievesGuild == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank ThievesGuild == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank ThievesGuild, -1

;Dark Brotherhood
If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 0

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 1
Raziel.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 1

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 2
Raziel.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 2

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 3
Raziel.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 3

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 4
Raziel.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 4

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 5
Raziel.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 5

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 6
Raziel.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 6

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == 7
Raziel.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, 7

If GetPCInFaction DarkBrotherhood == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank DarkBrotherhood, -1

;Knights of the Nine
If GetPCInFaction NDKnightsoftheNine == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine, 0

If GetPCInFaction NDKnightsoftheNine == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine == 1
Raziel.SetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine, 1

If GetPCInFaction NDKnightsoftheNine == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine == 2
Raziel.SetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine, 2

If GetPCInFaction NDKnightsoftheNine == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank NDKnightsoftheNine, -1

If GetPCInFaction Blades == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank Blades == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank Blades, 0

If GetPCInFaction Blades == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank Blades == 1
Raziel.SetFactionRank Blades, 1

If GetPCInFaction Blades == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank Blades == 2
Raziel.SetFactionRank Blades, 2

If GetPCInFaction Blades == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank Blades == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank Blades, -1

;Blackwood Company
If GetPCInFaction BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank BlackwoodCompanyFACTION, 0

If GetPCInFaction BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == 1
Raziel.SetFactionRank BlackwoodCompanyFACTION, 1

If GetPCInFaction BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank BlackwoodCompanyFACTION == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank BlackwoodCompanyFACTION, -1

;Knights of the Thorn
If GetPCInFaction KnightsThornFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank KnightsThornFaction == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank KnightsThornFaction, 0

If GetPCInFaction KnightsThornFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank KnightsThornFaction == 1
Raziel.SetFactionRank KnightsThornFaction, 1

If GetPCInFaction KnightsThornFaction == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank KnightsThornFaction == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank KnightsThornFaction, -1

;Mythic Dawn
If GetPCInFaction MythicDawn == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MythicDawn == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank MythicDawn, 0

If GetPCInFaction MythicDawn == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MythicDawn == 1
Raziel.SetFactionRank MythicDawn, 1

If GetPCInFaction MythicDawn == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank MythicDawn == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank MythicDawn, -1

;Order of the Virtuous Blood
If GetPCInFaction OrderoftheVirtuousBlood == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank OrderoftheVirtuousBlood == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank OrderoftheVirtuousBlood, 0

If GetPCInFaction OrderoftheVirtuousBlood == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank OrderoftheVirtuousBlood == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank OrderoftheVirtuousBlood, -1

;Knights of the White Stallion
If GetPCInFaction KnightsWhiteStallion == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank KnightsWhiteStallion == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank KnightsWhiteStallion, 0

If GetPCInFaction KnightsWhiteStallion == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank KnightsWhiteStallion == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank KnightsWhiteStallion, -1

;Order of the Dragon
If GetPCInFaction MQEndFaction == 1 && Player.GetFactionRank MQEndFaction == 0 
Raziel.SetFactionRank MQEndFaction, 0

If GetPCInFaction MQEndFaction == -1 && Player.GetFactionRank MQEndFaction == -1
Raziel.SetFactionRank MQEndFaction, -1
;Ok Lets Make Sure Our Compantion(s) Enter And/Or Exit World Space's With us

If Player GetInWorldspace MQ10BrumaOblivionGate == 1 && GetInWorldspace MQ10BrumaOblivionGate == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace MQ10BrumaOblivionGate == 0 && GetInWorldspace MQ10BrumaOblivionGate == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace MS13CheydinhalOblivionWorld == 1 && GetInWorldspace MS13CheydinhalOblivionWorld == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace MS13CheydinhalOblivionWorld == 0 && GetInWorldspace MS13CheydinhalOblivionWorld == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace MQ14OblivionWorld == 1 && GetInWorldspace MQ14OblivionWorld == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace MQ14OblivionWorld == 0 && GetInWorldspace MQ14OblivionWorld == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionMQKvatch == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionMQKvatch == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionMQKvatch == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionMQKvatch == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD001 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD001 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD001 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD001 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD002 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD002 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD002 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD002 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD003 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD003 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD003 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD003 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD004 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD004 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD004 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD004 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD005 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD005 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD005 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD005 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD006 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD006 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD006 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD006 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD007 == 1 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD007 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace OblivionRD007 == 0 && GetInWorldspace OblivionRD007 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace CamoranParadise == 1 && GetInWorldspace CamoranParadise == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace CamoranParadise == 0 && GetInWorldspace CamoranParadise == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace DABoethiaRealm == 1 && GetInWorldspace DABoethiaRealm == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace DABoethiaRealm == 0 && GetInWorldspace DABoethiaRealm == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace DAPeryiteRealm == 1 && GetInWorldspace DAPeryiteRealm == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace DAPeryiteRealm == 0 && GetInWorldspace DAPeryiteRealm == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace DreamWorld == 1 && GetInWorldspace DreamWorld == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace DreamWorld == 0 && GetInWorldspace DreamWorld == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace DreamWorld02 == 1 && GetInWorldspace DreamWorld02 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace DreamWorld02 == 0 && GetInWorldspace DreamWorld02 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace MS14World == 1 && GetInWorldspace MS14World == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace MS14World == 0 && GetInWorldspace MS14World == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace MS37World  == 1 && GetInWorldspace MS37World  == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace MS37World  == 0 && GetInWorldspace MS37World  == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInWorldspace ArkvedsTowerWorld  == 1 && GetInWorldspace ArkvedsTowerWorld  == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInWorldspace ArkvedsTowerWorld  == 0 && GetInWorldspace ArkvedsTowerWorld  == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ13OblivionWorld == 1 && GetInCell MQ13OblivionWorld == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ13OblivionWorld == 0 && GetInCell MQ13OblivionWorld == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14Oblivion == 1 && GetInCell MQ14Oblivion == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14Oblivion == 0 && GetInCell MQ14Oblivion == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaOblivion == 1 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaOblivion == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaOblivion == 0 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaOblivion == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCave01 == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCave01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCave01 == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCave01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCave02 == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCave02 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCave02 == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCave02 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadel == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadel == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadel == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadel == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadelLord == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadelLord == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadelLord == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionCitadelLord == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionHall01 == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionHall01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionHall01 == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionHall01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionHall02 == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionHall02 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionHall02 == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionHall02 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MS13OblivionSmallTower01 == 1 && GetInCell MS13OblivionSmallTower01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MS13OblivionSmallTower01 == 0 && GetInCell MS13OblivionSmallTower01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCaveInterior == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCaveInterior == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCaveInterior == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCaveInterior == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadel == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadel == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadel == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadel == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelHall01 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelHall01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelHall01 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelHall01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelLord == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelLord == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelLord == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionCitadelLord == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft01 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft01 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft02 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft02 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft02 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft02 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft03 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft03 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft03 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerLeft03 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight01 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight01 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight02 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight02 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight02 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight02 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight03 == 1 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight03 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight03 == 0 && GetInCell MQ14OblivionTowerRight03 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadel == 1 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadel == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadel == 0 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadel == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadelLord == 1 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadelLord == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadelLord == 0 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaCitadelLord == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall01 == 1 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall01 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall01 == 0 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall01 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall02 == 1 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall02 == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
ElseIf Player GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall02 == 0 && GetInCell MQ10BrumaHall02 == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player

If GetPlayerInSeWorld == 1 && GetInWorldSpace SeWorld == 0 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
MoveTo Player
Message "Raziel Doesnt Like The Big Scary Head!!"
ElseIf GetPlayerinSeWorld == 0 && GetInWorldSpace SeWorld == 1 && GetIsCurrentPackage RazielFollowPlease == 1
Message "Raziel Is Glad To Be Home To Reality"


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