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Master Acrobatics


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Basically what I want is a mod that when you reach master status in Acrobatics allows the player to jump from the White Golden Tower (for example) and doens't suffer damage.

I got this idea after seeing some movies like Blade and Underworld. Some characters on those movies jump from really high places and don't die.

Is this even possible to do in Oblivion ??


Thanks in advance,


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Yep it's possible, I think that solely setting FJumpFallTimeMult game setting to 0 it will allow you to fall from every distance without taking damage. Open the console and type

setGameSetting FJumpFallTimeMult to 0

Hopefully this will solve it, if not check the other game settings, changing one or two of these values should be done.

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Yep it's possible, I think that solely setting FJumpFallTimeMult game setting to 0 it will allow you to fall from every distance without taking damage. Open the console and type

setGameSetting FJumpFallTimeMult to 0

Hopefully this will solve it, if not check the other game settings, changing one or two of these values should be done.

I've tried that and didn't work, so I've searched a bit more and discovered that the code is:

setGameSetting FJumpFallSkillBase 0

Thanks for you help


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