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ENB Candles too dark, windows too bright


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I installed Gameplay Performance ENB (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53100/?) and everything is great, except the interiors look a bit weird. The light coming from the windows is too bright and the light from the candles and chandeliers is too low. I tried changing some settings around in the enbseries.ini file, but I can't get things to change much. Any tips?


Here are some Hjerim interior screenshots taken during the day (at night, the light from the windows is less, but still too bright):


Kitchen is REALLY bright:









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First you should install "Mindflux Particle Patch" before you start tweeking your ENB Preset.

Of course only if it not was already included in the ENB.


Ingame you press Shift+Enter to show up the ENB configuration panel.


In the [fire] section you can now tweak the candlelight.


In the section [windowlight] you can tweak the brightnes of the windows.


Good luck ;)


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I installed the patch and started tweaking the ENB settings in-game. Changing the settings works and everything, but some parts of the interiors were still dark. By the way, I forgot to mention that I had Realistic Lighting Overhaul and the ENB version made of RLO installed. To see if RLO had affected how the lighting works in the game, I uninstalled it and installed the ENB version for vanilla. This time, the lighting is much better, but not really to my tastes. I'll keep experimenting with the ENB settings and try different lighting mods to see if I can get an effect I really like. Thanks for the help!

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