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The Master Of Zooz


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(ooc - I'm back briefly, but with limited internet access, and will try to post at least once every 48 hours until I get back to normal next week :) )




Kalmer has been all too silent for the last couple of days. He has been thinking. He pulls Baba carefully over to one side as they bid Lady Ayala farewell. "I've been thinking, Baba, about the two enigmas that we have in hand. Firstly, the swords. I, too, have heard of metals that attract each other. Apparently there are two kinds, and two of a kind will repel each other, whereas two opposites will attract. Let us call them 'poles', and distinguish between the opposites by calling them 'north' and 'south', for sake of argument. If my thoughts are correct, the two swords we have must be opposites, and therefore only one will attract to itself the tip of the other sword that you have in your possession. By this means, we may for now keep track of which is which - by drawing them near to the sword tip.


"Secondly, this Bembolia character - everyone says that the name is not of these patrs, nor any in Bashkher. I redress my comment about his pseudonym being an anagram of a clue to his whereabouts. Or, as Gnaag so astutely said, that of a group of people. Not necessarily 'immobile bazar' but mayhaps we could come up with more ideas by talking to some people, and also pooling our ideas -tonight, at dinner.


"What say you?"

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T’skar ignores their new tails, They’re not even trying to conceal themselves, she thinks, either they are not very professional, or they don’t care if we see them, in either case I am sure we will find out their intent soon enough she thinks. Turning to Baba she quips “Hope you made that dinner reservation for 10.”
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"Dinner sounds good"

Mordred says distently while walking out of the crowd in front of you.

"Maybe I shall join you there" then he disapears again in the crowd behind you walking right past the two strangers that where following the group.

"pardon me"

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Gnaag was becoming quite nervous about the presence of two weird people following them. He was suggeste not to do anything reckless, but they were really annoying. Gnaag unawares touched the handle of his dagger. He left it immediately, but the unpleasant feeling of being pursued was horrible.


"Baba," he sighed "I don't know if you noticed that they are on our trail suspectable long. Please allow me to do something. They are making me furious."

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The two who are following laugh uproariously as Mordred apologises.


"Oh, what ho, no problems. Jolly good show and all that, right!"


The level of intelligence sounds low.


The two of them, one male and one female, are both very beautiful although their expressions are unfocussed. They are perhaps in their early twenties.

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OOC -> I'm on vacation as wel. I might be able to post in the first week but not on the second...
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