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The Master Of Zooz


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OCC -> Damm Malchick weeks no word and then 3 hours after my post an awnser...


"Well it would be just as easy to get someone off the ship... In fact I think it would be easier to find a 'safe' landing zone from the ship since we don't need to go inside.. Just a little peek and it will be done."

Tiax seems full of confidence in this matter and somewhat glad that he can uses his skill for a change.

"If needed we could just land in the water... Remember to hold your bereath if we do that."

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ooc> There are three in the party who can 'conceal' - T'skar, Mandrake, and Kalmer. It may work to conceal everyone, and then teleport them onto the docks. By concealing Tiax first, he could scout out his own location from above deck.


ic> "I wonder if this has anything to do with the mind magic we found in Dohoti. If so, it would be nice if we appeared a little later, or maybe earlier, than the ship. Can you do that with a group Tiax? I think we can all be concealed, if we work together" T'skar suggests, "And I don't swim Tiax, so no watery landings please."

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"Haha, don't worry I prefer a dry landing zone..." Tiax replies "Hmm a little later shouldn't be to hard. We just have to stay on the ship for a while but the later could give us some troubles. Using time magic as a main source of teleportation is quite hard."


Tiax thinks for a moment.


"If possible I would like to keep the travel distance below 20 meters. If I need to get us all out."

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(ooc - Perhaps T'Skar could cast a "duhh" spell on the crew so that they forget we were ever aboard. This would at least put a spanner in the works of our reception party. The three Tagfierians should have no problem concealing 8 companions, and Tiax gets us onto dry land a good few minutes before docking. The only problem then is moving around Biksinder. We may have to steal provisions and get out a.s.a.f.p. And Kalmer was hoping to do some sightseeing! :( )




ic- Kalmer presents the above mentioned ideas to his fellows, then suddenly has an idea. "I have thought, Tiax, that perhaps you could get us onto that slightly prominent point of the coastline just south of the mouth of the river." He points to the map, where the waters of the Lake of Biksinder meet the sea. "I have a feeling the docks are not the ideal place to be - it will be crawling with guards as soon as they realise we are not there. But by that time we can be well on our way to the lake, and with the river between us and them. This should surely buy us a head-start."

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There's quite the silence before Tiax seems to have thought out a solution

"As I said it will be dificult to transport us so far with time magic... But perhaps."

Tiax turns to Mordred

"Would you please make a copy of that map? Owh and try to put your heart in it."

With much questions practically drooling of the faces Tiax explains that if someone puts his heart and soul in something he or her has done, some sort of power is stored in it. It seems to be the motivation and or devotion that triggers this. If a magical person does this the, item in this case, is most likely to be more powered up. It will help Tiax by using it as a focus. The reason it has to be Mordred depends on two things. One since Tiax helped in the training and development of Mordred's magic he is able to... Feel the 'flow', Tiax decides, and the second point is that Mordred has become quite good at mapmaking and the landing place is on the map.


"Hmm it will still be dificult and we could stray from the actual place as far as 20 meters.... If lucky."

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OOC> Until I am back home 17.7 my posting will be infrequent and scrappy. (Sorry but the machines I am finding in the hotels here are a bit of a problem). As long as Mordred is okay with the suggestion:On topic- The idea works in that the whole party materialises on a small patch of dry land close to the south gate of the town near Lake Biksinder. You can go into the town or take the road to Kolokon as you choose.
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"I'd really like to know how the guards in Biksinder knew we were coming, and how they got word to our captain and crew that we would be expected. I really don't think we should spend much time around this city, and definitely not be seen. If you want to go explore, Kalmer, I will try and cloak your mind so that a casual mind scan can't detect it, and I would strongly suggest going in concealed. There isn't a sword here, anyway, so it's really not that big of a loss to bypass it" T'skar looks suggests hopefully.
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"I feel we should avoid the city itself, " replies Kalmer to T'Skar, "But we are in need of provisions - or will be by the time we reach Kolokon. We could head a bit further along the Lake of Biksinder, and do a spot of night fishing before turning north to our destination. I am also loath to get too near that lake palace, for fear of arousing suspicion. Tourism is off the agenda, it seems!" Kalmer tries to sound jocular, but he is in fact somewhat perturbed by the knowledge that some unknown forces are plotting against the Fellowship of the Swords and, moreover, that these forces have the Law on their side...........
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ooc> I am back


on topic - Lake Biksinder is huge and dangerous. Settlement is confined more or less to the north side. Small villages dot this coastline. They will be able to supply basic provisions.


To get to Ippikander you will need a boat from Biksinder so it might be in your interest to see if your magicians can magic you onto one and keep you concealed.


There is a method of fast travel from Kolokon to Ippikander but you would need a lot of luck and ingenuity to find it.


Also, tskar has a point, who is after you and why? You don't need to know but any knowledge is better than none.

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Ohh i say good show on the teleport!


I must say i'm more than a little concerned for mascors safety as well now, i know he says no one would find him but i'm concerned that he's underestimated who may be chasing us.


And i really don't understand why people are trying to stop us, we are after all on a mission to save people. Perhaps if we can get into the city we might be able to question people and follow where the trail of orders to arrest us came from - i would like to know who opposes us.... Or do you think it would safer to continue on skirting round?

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