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The Master Of Zooz


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The grille opens like a door.


T'skar notices some peculiar counter machines. They appear to cover the full entrance and count - what? Number of hearts perhaps. It does seem that two is company inside. No obvious danger presents itself. Indeed if anything the atmosphere is more uncomfortable on the current side of the door. It is as if something might be activated there if any mistake is made inside.


Kyto goes in slowly. The door remains open.


The child looks up. "My little doggy is in there." She points behind her at what can now be seen to be five doors. "The nasty man said it would die if I made a mistake. And this is the easy one!"


She bawls again.


The five doors are numbered 1-5 left to right as you look at them. Each has a notice on it.


Door 1 - The dog is not in room 4

Door 2 - The dog is in room 1

Door 3 - The dog is in room 2

Door 4 - The dog is not in room 5

Door 5 - The dog is in room 3


You may ask the child for further information if she has any.

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"The easy riddle," the child answers, calming a little as Kyto reverts to human form.


As Tskar enters, the grille closes but it is easy to communicate through it.


To Kyto the child says. "He told me only one sign is true and my little dog is behind the door with the true sign on it."

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Door 1 - The dog is not in room 4

Door 2 - The dog is in room 1

Door 3 - The dog is in room 2

Door 4 - The dog is not in room 5

Door 5 - The dog is in room 3


"It seems to me that it should be in room 4. Consider:


If the dog was in room 1, room 2 would be true, and room 1 would be true.

If the dog was in room 2, room 3 would be true, and room 2 would be false.

If the dog was in room 3, room 5 would be true, and room 3 would be false.

If the dog was in room 4, no other would be true, and room 4 would be true.

If the dog was in room 5, room 4 would be false, and room 5 would be false."

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