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The Master Of Zooz


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As no one has posted for several weeks I think we can regard this as closed. If it is simply that no one knows the answer to the riddle it is actually quite easy.


If A cannot tell what colour stamp is NOT on his head you know B and C are not both yellow or both red. But from A's answer B must also know this. B can see the stamp on C's head and yet still does not know what colour is NOT on his head. This is only possible in one circumstance.


Anyone prepared to tell me?

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  • 3 weeks later...

occ: (sorry, I've been in LaLa land for the last month, and unable to find the new forum :blush: )


ic: T'skar thinks out loud "Let me visualize - A looks and sees, lets say a red and a yellow, so B looks and sees a red and a green, so she now knows she does not have red on her forehead. The only way this works is if C has green on his head, then neither A or B can say what they DON'T have on their heads." She waits for a response.


occ: IamBatosi you do not have allowance to post here, it is an RP: you need to contact Malchik with an appropriate character, and then play IN character. Thanks.

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Well your answer is correct, ma'am, though I did not quite follow the reasoning.


What A can see is obviously neither two reds or two yellows or A would know one a colour the stamp could not be. B hearing that answer would know that if C's stamp was red then her's was not and if C's stamp was yellow then hers was not. Either way she would be able to give a colour she does not have. Therefore as you say C's stamp must be green.




Here is the final riddle.


A king gives a prisoner the chance to rescue his sweetheart. If he does not, she will die in the dungeons. He shows him three doors. One opens onto an empty room, one hides his sweetheart and one a room containing ravening monster.


Door 1 has the sign - Room 3 is empty


Door 2 has the sign - There is a monster in Room 1


Door 3 has the sign - This room is empty


The king tells the prisoner that the sign on the door of the room containing his sweetheart is true. The sign on the door of the room containing the monster is false. The sign on the door of the empty room may be true or false. The king says 'Please identify the three rooms correctly'.

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"Well, room 3 cannot*...wait a second. A valid solution is:

Room 1 holds the sweetheart

Room 2 holds the monster

Room 3 holds nothing


Not sure if this is the only possible solution."


*OOC: This was, in fact, the point in my attempt to solve this at which intuition hit.

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You are correct. This is the only solution.


There is more than one way to work it out. The easiest is to say room 3 cannot contain the sweetheart or the sign would be false. Therefore either it is empty or contains the monster. If it contains the monster, the sign on door 1 is false and will have to be the empty room with a false sign. But the sign on door 2 in that case is also false and three false signs is not a possible option. Therefore room 3 is empty. In this case the sign on door 1 is true and must contain the sweetheart and the sign on door 2 is false and must contain the monster.


Another way is to place the sweetheart. She cannot be in room three as the sign on the door would be false. If she is in room two the sign is true and there must be a monster in room 1. If the monster is in room 1 the sign on the door is false and room 3 is not empty. But in that case there is NO empty room which is not possible. Therefore the sweetheart must be in room 1. The sign is true making the sign on room 2 false and room 3 true. Therefore the monster is in room 2 and room 3 is empty.


A door appears in front of you and when you enter you arrive in what was clearly the central ossuary of the temple. However it has been cleared of all but a few fragments of bone. The depraved voice of a woman, recognisable to those who have met her before as Costanta says:-


"Well, well. Some intrepid adventurers have finally breached the traps the fools built around my former resting place. What would you with me strangers?"

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Okay, after hearing from several of you I am going to continue this. I will start it again in about three days to give any new players who might be interested a chance to PM me. Please don't post here as this is the rp itself. We will begin with an update of what the objectives are and where everyone has reached as well as why. I can bring in new players at any point but this would seem as good a time as any.


Let me know if you are interested. (Abramul, Tiaxanderson and Phawk are still in.)

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I will start this off again on Friday 18th in the morning UK time. Two new members have shown interest and it will give me time to flesh out their characters and stories with them before they join. However I cannot put them in the temple so the three of you already there need to ask Costanta whatever questions seems appropriate (the update should remind you) so we can get you out quickly. Should anyone else wish to join at this point, please PM me within the next 24 hours.
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Okay. In a nutshell you have been asked to look for a sword with a missing tip. You have identified that the sword is a special one made years ago by the master of Zooz. After investigation you believe there are 8 swords which, if together, will produce a ninth. You have 2 and have been promised 2 more provided you return to Dohoti (a place where you already been) and visit Memtuz. One sword is in the museum at Ippikander where you are currently. One is known to have been lost at sea off the coast of Golconar. To search for it you need a spell to breathe underwater. This will be yours if you can bring 'The Child of Healing' to Ocoranda in the city of Kolokon. It seems probable that you should look for this child on an island south of Lopor or Tangrik (coastal cities you have not visited). One sword was last heard of in the ruined city of Akitaron in the middle of the Shorava Desert, south of Ippikander. The last sword may (but may not) be in the city of Zooz. Your current task after finishing in the Skull Temple is to steal the sword from the museum in Ippikander. One problem is that unknown people are taking an interest in what you are doing that suggests inside knowledge.


A second line of enquiry (which can be dropped if you wish) is into strange events occuring in the old temples of Bashkher. There are 8 of these. Having visited those in Papred and Dohoti you know that it is to do with a 'spirit' called Ruhir. Ruhir had to collect body parts from several individuals to attain a life of immortality however he was denied a heart. To remove the curse you must provide the heart. Apart from the difficulty of finding a willing donor you need to protect the world from an immortal Ruhir before you give him the heart. You have learned that to do this you need to get support from the spirits of those who gave their body parts and counteract the influence of Anromainyus by working on his three advisors. Anromainyus was one of Ruhir's brothers, almost certainly the one who tricked him out of the heart. The four spirits are Daro and Bren in Dohoti whose support you already have; Toman in Golconar, not yet visited and Costanta in Ippikander whom you have finally reached in the rpg. (She awaits questions). The ancient temples are Sea Temple Papred, home of Ruhir already visited, Jade Temple Dohoti home of Bren and Daro already visited, Temple of Dancing Water Golconar home of Toman, not visited. Skull Temple Ippikander where you are. Others are Star Temple Lopor, Temple of Freedom Kolokon visted and found to have nothing of interest, Snake Temple Veejani, Temple of the Sun (IIRC I need to double check that name) in Antinapura.


I hope this is enough. I have adequate info to bring in Kyra a Levdian but await a few details from Jonan a Tagfieran to bring them into the rpg. In the meantime you need to question Costanta about Ruhir and Anromainyus's advisors. You will learn that she cannot help unless you do something for her. This will then lead you into the theft of the sword from Ippikander and to wherever you choose to investigate next. Can one of the three of you in the temple please ask relevant questions of Costanta so I can move you on.

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