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Mod Merging


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After downloading the CS and looking at it for a mod I have in the works I noticed something I am sure many others did. The Combined loaded plug ins feature is not there. The main boards had some discussion that plugins could be merged by setting two as active and then saving them. The people who tried it did not work.


I also noticed that the Wiki says plugins will not be able to refer to items from other plug ins. I know in Morrowind the could, I did it all the time during creation. I have not tried it with Oblivion yet, so I am taking Wiki's word it.


This leads me to wonder if this is intentional. Is it possible that Bethesda wrote the editor this way to prevent people from re-distributing their paid for mods for free? It is the only reason that I can come up with.


The problem it will cause is with large team mods, such as the one I have going. If that is the case, then there can only be one .esp. Which means only one person at a time can work on a mod. Unless another way is discovered to merge mods, that would kill my mod. I suspect it would kill a lot of the other large mods.


Any thoughts?



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The Oblivion ESP format is well into being figured out. Utilities will be coming any day now.


Thanks for the post and the link. Looking around the editor, it appears there are workarounds for moving stuff from esp to another. I have tested some it with success. But a mod merger would be much easier. Especially for making team mods.




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