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The Heart Of Ruhir


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Chucahau, who has attached the spearhead to his staff in the meantime so he is suitably equipped if they are attacked, watches the other members of his group enter the room one by one.

The sheer size and architecture of the building has so much overwhelmed him that he is very hesitant to take any immediate action motivated by his own initiative - he would much rather leave as soon as possible, but he understands that the building must be investigated. Standing alone in the ambulatory, feeling a bit uneasy, he finally decides to keep guard at the door and steps right in front of the stephold, facing outwards so he can keep an eye on the ambulatory.

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Well this post can have two purposes: To formally resign or to plead for a way to be written back into the story after having been absent for so long.


Both the end of my senior year and high school and college shopping have really been keeping me chomping the bit to the extremes and I havent even checked my email in days..... so I am getting a little more relaxed and would like to request to come back into the story but if that is not possible due to the huge time gap since my last post, I completely understand. Sorry for my lack of posts.


If it is possible for me to continue Malchik, can you give me a brief synopsis of events since I dont have time to catch up.... four pages...... Thank you for your time.

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Okay - it seems as it we might be able to keep this going for a while.


Titanania. You have been asked to investigate the eight old temples of Bashkher and have elected to go first to the nearest. It is called the Sea Temple and is in the Gurjana delta close to Papred. There is considerable uncertainty as to whether it ever was a temple as it does not quite fit with the other seven. However it has the same three floor layout (or so the record you consulted says). In shape it is like a key with an octagonal handle. You have walked through the inside to the internal door to the octagon. There has been nothing of note.


The octagon is the only part of the building not in ruins. When you open this door it turns out to be constructed as an octagonal room within the external octagon leaving a passage wide enough for two to walk abreast all the way round. (I have called this the ambulatory). There are no windows so the only light is from your torches.


The group had begun by ignoring the ambulatory and opening the door of the inner Octagon (equally dark). They have found three life size glowing statues and an empty plinth. There is not a lot of room inside. Khyros is at the plinth ready to take down notes. Kyrika has gravitated to the statue of a young girl. I assume Kane would be more interested in the golden warrior. So I suggest you move to the purple woman. If you are in agreement with that we can go from there. Chucahua is waiting by the door. Once you say you are ready I will post the result of these actions.


BTW you are all but alone in a small, torchlit room with three life sized eerily glowing statues. Is it something you are used to?


On topic.


You note that there is no entry point to the lower levels referred to from the internal octagon. The entrance HAS to be from the ambulatory.

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OOC: not got long to post this so it may get cut off and will have to be finished later


Kane wanders slowly around the golden glowing warrior, his eyes glance from the group members with him due to Khyros' torch dimly lighting the room along with the glows from the statues, the only thing to be heard is Kane's grumble


"Hmmm I ain't liking this one bit...there is something obviously wrong with this place and whatever are in those ruins may have the power to petrify or turn people to stone...something I can't defend against, so if we have a mage handy...if we meet the one responsible they will have to fight the thing and maybe I can get a quick strike in...other than that I suggest Khyros and someone else stays here to gather notes on these statues while the rest of us search this place"


Kane looks about for any objections, knowing the suggestion will be relayed to anyone who isn't in earshot, a few minutes later Kane begins poking and prodding the statue, still not too sure about the place and what its reason for being around is

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OOC> of all the stuff I requested, what all where the men able to provide. Im just jumping straight to the room if thats acceptable due to the fact I dont have 24 hours to write this post lol. Glad to be back and glad to have finally picked a college! Now just to survive AP tests.......


Aldhelm glanced about the strange room he had entered. He tried to take as many details as he could and he was strangely drawn to the statue of a beatiful woman that was emitting a faintly purplish aura. As he reached the statue, he is drawn to her face, carved as though it were truly a human he was staring at, not a statue. He pulled out his tome to see if this enchantment or whatever it was had the possiblity to power a few soul gems. (OOC: Ill let you decide Malchik)


OOC: Has anyone here ever run dual monitors? Just got a new video card, an ATi Radeon 9550 and it kicks, I now have double the desktop space! And it can run Oblivion..... now just to build a computer around it that can too.......

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As Aldhelm reaches the statue several things happen at once. The door to the outer and inner octagons both slam shut knocking Chucahua into the inner octagon with the others. The temperature drops rapidly to almost freezing.


The statues glow very brightly but they have changed slightly. Kyrika by the statue of the girl sees blood leaking from the eyes. Blood pours over the purple statue's face and down her robe. Blood seeps through the golden statue's armour.


The air beside the plinth where Khyros is standing shimmers. You are all unable to move.


Voices sound in the air; first a girl


"Bren, Ruhir. Remember your Bren. I loved you. You took my eyes. It was our wedding day. But you will come back to me when you have found yourself again."


The brown statue fades abruptly. In the shimmering air by Khyros two jade-green eyes are staring wildly.


A male voice sounds


"I was your friend, Ruhir. We did everything together. Everything. How you admired my body. You had to take it of course. But you will come back to me when you have completed the quest."


The golden statue flares and fades. In the shimmering air there is now a mage still staring, motionless.


A depraved laugh comes apparently from the purple statue. "You were a sly one, Ruhir. I was so intelligent, so wise you had to have my mind. You should have asked first. But you will come back to me when you have your heart."


As the purple statue fades. The mage before Khyros suddenly lunges at him.


"I will have my heart!"


But the arms simply pass though Khyros leaving only a sense of terror.


The apparition vanishes, you can move again and the inner octagon door clicks open. Apart from the temperature it is almost as it was when you arrived


But then, from the ambulatory comes the unmistakable sound of a stone being pushed out. Something is emerging from the Ossuary below. Whatever it is it can hardly be human.

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Eyes wide with terror, Khyros stands where he was, shocked at what he just witnessed. After a moment, he starts to fall backwards, but catches himself in time. He quickly begins to look wildy about the room, trying to see the others' reaction to the appearance of the apparition.


"Did you just see that!?" he asked the others. He was still shaking from the experience, but was beginning to regain his composure.


"This person, Ruhir he was called, must have known these people," he thought, "yet he took something from each of them." His mind was working rapidly, both out of panic as to what just happened, and out of curiosity to discover what it could all mean. "If he took something from each of these people, and they've been turned to stone...could he maybe have returned and taken something from those turned to stone in the city?" He was about to relate his hypothesis to the others, but soon realized that he hadn't been paying attention to the sounds coming from the other room. Not wanting to be unprepared, he dropped his journal and readied his trident. The weapon gave him little reassurance, however, as he was no warrior. He had only used these on stage before, and only against a real opponent in practice. But it was better than nothing, he thought.


Moving towards the doorway, he stood at the wall beside it and peered out into the other room.

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Kane grunts, jumping back from the warrior statue, glancing around him and the room incase any threats decide to appear, he twirls his longsword within his right hand while listening to a shaken up Khryos, Kane didn't actually see what happened and from the sounds of it, he didn't want too either...he looks about for everyone to note their positions while trying to figure out what the heck happened


"Khryos hold it!...if anyone is to go in first it will be me but I ain't understanding what the statues meant...sure this Ruhir guy has taken things from them...yet they also say he would come back to them...the girl said he would come back when he has found himself...that is probably why he took her eyes...the warrior said he will come back when he has completed the quest...what quest exactly and finally the mage said he will come back when he has his heart...hence why the mage said something about he will have his heart...something strange is going on and it is all connected to this Ruhir character but at this very moment in time...I think we need to worry about our 'host' "


Kane begins moving towards Khyros, making sure he would be the first to take any actual hits and be able to defend against whatever it is that awaits them...once at the door he takes everyone's positions again, making sure no one has done a disappearing act, Kane then takes a deep breath


"Don't come straight in, give some space before you follow...if whatever awaits us, is stronger then it will have to get through me before getting to any of you"


He twirls the sword once again before slowly heading into the next neighbouring room, he'll be going in blind preferring to use his other senses to aid him and less of a distraction if he doesn't have to look at a monster or some kind of deformed human

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OOC: Bueller?....Bueller?...anyone else out there still reading or posting to this? And no, finals and AP tests are no excuse because this should only take around 15 mins to let us know you're still alive and act minimally. A full post probably won't take longer than 30 mins if you're really thorough or going through every bead of sweat on your forehead as you pick a lock or something.
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