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Floating items?


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Its hard to get pics of it but like for an example, on the explorer theme on megaton house, i pick up a glass on the shelf with tv and every thing on shelf like lifs up alittle into the air? Its pretty annoying so if anyone else knows what im talking about please reply!
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Theres stuff inside a .nif mesh settings for float


which I think most of it is in the havok mesh


but looking at that stuff it's hard to tell what anything does




You can change the float of things in the mesh



heck there might even be a setting for it somewhere




I reckon it's to keep havok in check, because if it was floor level, especialy outside


what with all the changes in elevation, that without the float, there would be a endless amount of


stuff which would fall thru the ground mesh, which when it does it would keep falling forever


Although in Cells I think there's code that catches it an spawns it at the cell entrance, just like


if the player jumps out into the void.




But, in the case where you pick up something an it jumps, it can be minimized via the Havok sim inside GECK



once you place you items you toggle the havok sim on, then wait a min, an toggle it off, or toggle it on an off a few times



So it will already be floating a bit, when you pick it up, it does work, then stuff like putting a sword in a sword stand


you wouldn't want to run the havok sim, so that the player gets to actually pick it up in the right spot


you know which causes everything else in the room to jump, but it looked good that first time you walked in the room





you can make statics, which won't move at all, I don't think there is a inbetween though.

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