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Request: I want to play as the Joker.


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Which Joker? There are so many of them... Jack Nicolson, Heath Ledger, the Joker from one of the TV Series or one of the several ones from the Comics,....


To make the Face that should be somehow possible, but for the clothing, thats another issue, maybe some noble clothes could be retextured that could fit somehow.


If you want a complete new model, that may take some time, the making of new models isnt jet widley used because the tools that are needed are still under development.

I guess you need to be patient and lucky to wait for someone to pick your request up.


good luck =)

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Ferelden deserves a better class of criminal...and I'd like to give it to them.


Besides, how could you not want to be The Joker with lines like "Looks like you're making a KILLING," (Said just before choosing to kill the one merchant...trying to avoid spoilers here no matter how minor they are.)


Not to mention playing Fallout 3 as The Joker was some of the most fun I've had on a computer game.


Someone must make this mod. I'd do it, but I am an awful artist and wouldn't have any idea how to start. Just the face would be great. I could care less about the clothes.

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