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Ghost Mod (npc's that haunt you after they die)


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So I've been trying to get someone to make a mod for a long time now


I was wondering if someone could make a ghost mod?


Here's my general idea about how you'd go about it:

-A script that creates a clone of an npc, 2-3 days after they die

-it auto-equips a spectral ring on the cloned npc

-it also changes their disposition to hostile if it wasn't already

-lastly it makes them hunt you down using something similar to the game's built in mercenary script


If you're interested please respond! :smile:

Edited by Skyrimwolf1993
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i like this idea. maybe make it random whether or not they're hostile.. if not, make them follow the player around... but only at night!

also, the ghosts appearing should only happen at night, i think. note that the ghosts would just follow you. not say anything or attack whoever you're attacking. and you couldn't interact with them either - interaction with them would be disabled... all they'd do is follow you and watch you. =D


edit: it should also only be NPCs with names... i lost count how many mercenaries and random nameless people i killed. xD

Edited by eksynn
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I also came up with an idea to fix that so the script only works when you have a ring equipped. This will prevent it from hashing any already killed enemies only the ones you have killed with the ring on.

ergh D; another ring mod? how about instead of that, have only named NPCs haunt you? or, wear an amulet or diadem that would ward spirits away?

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Because named npcs are usually important to the questline or essential -.-

usually important, yes. but hardly ever essential ^^


edit: makes me wonder if it's possible to create a random NPC generator with random names that are neither important nor essential... who are also marriageable... and can become followers...

further, if it's possible to randomise names for every generically generated npc =x

lol i can picture the mod name already: Generically Generated Actor Name Generator - GGANG! xD

and it's counterpart: GGAGG! (swap name for Gene... that would make them more randomly generated, physically =x)

Edited by eksynn
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