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Help for the noob modder


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Hello everyone, I'm completely new to these forums so if this is in the wrong place, or is in any way a stupid thread you have my sincere apology. Please just tell me my mistake and I'll try to correct it.


So anyway, I just downloaded the toolset, and am trying to balance out the 2HF when compared to Shield and 2WF by increasing the attack speed so they don't delay so much. I'm very new too modding so I thought I'd start with something small like this, I read through the wiki and I couldn't find anything about increasing attack speed for basic attacks, talents, and animation, so I was wondering if you folk could in anyway point me in the right direction (or flat out tell me what I'm doing, that works too).


If you can help, it'd be much obliged.

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There are at least two ways to do this. Both require creating a 2DA file.


One is to clone the BITM_base.xls and modify the weapons you want to 'speed up'. Their are two worksheets that modify the speed. One is in ItemStats. The value/column that controls this is Dspeed. The other is BITM_base. The Speed column.


That being said, I wouldn't suggest it as it may conflict with other mods.


The second way to do this is to go the way I went and create your own weapon type.


Good luck!


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