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Nazi Faction/ Power armor


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Hello, I have tried out all the fallout 3 Nazi/ww2 mods i could find and am pretty disappointed in not finding more of a faction or power armor at that. Don't get me wrong, i love what the community has came up with so far, but there seems to be so much more potential out there for the subject.


I have had the Idea for a Nazi/Skinhead/Neo-Nazi faction for some time, but obviously lack the skill and time to put such a project in motion... so here are my ideas for whom it may concern.


First off, I think that considering that FO3 is set in the future, the faction could be more of a Neo-Nazi/Skinhead group with more of the modern symbols for unit patches and crests... perhaps SS stormtrooper like to make use of the Totenkopf on some part of the uniform.


As for how the armor and uniforms might look, I had been looking online to find Images that might get the imagination running. What i had found are Ideas from killzone's Helghast Troops though I have never played the game, looks cool though... and Jin Roh or The Wolf Brigade which is like an anime or something... Idk, never heard of it. Either way, here are some good images:
























I hope that kind of gives an Idea for what I am imagining for uniforms and armor. Of course there would have to be more insignia on the models and more original texture, but if anyone is interested in the idea then that could be discussed some other time i guess. Well, thank you for your time for whom ever is reading and I hope this turns out to be a good Idea In return.

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You know, you could always just replace the armor and clothing for the Enclave. they seem like a good Nazi standin. I used camon's SS uniforms and replaced the officer's uniforms. It's awesome. I even gave Col. Autumn the SS summer cap. As for the armor, there's a helmet that I think you will find adequate. It looks a lot like the pics. Cerberus Protect Gear Helmet Link
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I'm glad you brought that up krimzin. I had seen that helmet before and tried to look it up before my post to see if it had anything to do with the images I had given but couldn't find it. I do like the helmet, don't get me wrong, but I mainly play female characters because they are better to look at and look more kick ass with a weapon. so honestly, although most of the images i had found have red glowy eyed gas masks I would rather have a half mask or something. Really what i had presented so far is more of a rough idea, for instance, i like the Jin Roh armor, but I like the big bulky boots from the Helghast Troop images. And believe me, I have mixed and matched a few mods to make something ok, but I was hoping for something unique in its self. I do plan on downloading the helmet and seeing how i like it, but as for the other mods i have already mixed and matched them.


I couldn't get the Images to work so i had to make a link >.<

My mod mix and match img 1

My mod mix and match img 2


I had imagined a whole separate faction with its own quests and history including the obvious armor and weapons. like i said, it was an idea. I have always been inspired by ww2 Germany. That and I have had a great idea game or movie wise based mainly on a post apocalyptic neo-nazi group. I really appreciate the help though krimzin... and again thank you all for taking your time to see what this post is about.

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So I found some awesome detailed weapon mods so i can add WWII Nazi weapons like the Luger and the MP40 SMG to the Nazi officers and troops. It's really awesome, it's a lot like wolfenstein now. I'll upload some pics if i get some time. I just need to get some good Nazi/Enclave Power Armors. That way the footsoldiers fit too. Worst case scenario, I can just replace their gear with WWII Nazi soldier uniforms and remove the power armor and voice modulation flags. Then to go further, I can alter the tesla armor soldiers to be flamethrower troops with gasmasks and different uniforms and always with a flamer. And I'll think of something for heavy troops armed with miniguns. Hopefully, if I can find enough good material, I can turn the Enclave into a well-organized, well-equipped, and well-adapted, nazi superpower. Then I can go along and blow the piss out of em :biggrin: If you have any good ideas for troop-types, let me know, and i'll see what i can make
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