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20th Century Weapons v4 dont work


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Provided you installed it correctly...



There's archive invalidation invalidated.


There's a high posiblity that some other mod you have conflicts with 20th Cent.

From 20th Cent changing lists.




I think 20th Cent is loot based mostly, where you find the weapons on what you kill.


Fook does that.



But like if you have two mods changing the same loot lists, or Vendor containers, an such


The one that loads last might be the only one that actually gets added




hence the ever so important Merge patch, we create with FO3edit



which sure we create a merge patch for other reasons...





At any rate you probably need to start using FO3edit, an then also the tutorial









Thank CSB for making it way more easy to use an learn.







Sorry there, we didn't get much info about the problem you're having...

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yea... And if you have any other huge mods with loot lists (Stalker arsenal, classic fallout weapons)...

download fallout mod manager and set 20th cw as the last in the fomm's load order

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