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Holly cow!




I finally created a normal that didn't look like something I threw up.





1. Gimp

2. Gimp DDS plug in

3. Gimp normal map plug in




I tried to install an use gimp to do it, following the GECK page, on create your weapon

but it never worked, plus the way the GECK page words it, makes it hard to understand


Plus you know the GIMP looking like something that controls the space station.



GECK page said


We are now going to do the normal map.

Layer-> Transparency-> Color to Alpha.

Set the color to 000000.Filters-> Map-> Normalmap.

Click on the 3D Preview Button.

Left click and hold the middle of the big white square until it is leaning back.

Click on the Rotate light button. Now click in the top left corner of the big white square and drag until your cursor is in the middle of it.

Switch to the Normalmap window and checkmark Wrap.

Set the Height source to Alpha. Now set the Scale to 6. And the filter to one of the following:


1. 4 Sample – Very grainy. Use for rock or other rough textures. 2. 3x3 – Grainy. Use for scratched metals or other rough textures. 3. 5x5 – Smooth. Use for smooth metals and wood. 4. 7x7 – Smoother. Use for cloth and furniture. 5. 9x9 – Very Smooth. – Use for polished metal and gems. When you have done that click the Ok Button. File-> Save As. Set the name to I_n.tga and uncheck RLE Compression and make sure the origin is Top left. Click the Save button.







Did I miss anything?



Do you generate mip maps when you save it?





Yeah I just looked, it's like 5Mb file size.


Not good not good at all.


Anything I can do about the size, besides open it an resave with paintnet?



I've seen the normal maps like bethesda, which are leaning toward opaque, see thru


Then other normal maps are hard colored, which have very little opaque at if any, but

I've also run into discolored hard edges with this kind of map, so it makes me want to

think the opaque kind like bethesda an FOOK use is better.

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