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Issues with Steam Downloads

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So recently Steam had a sale for the Star Wars Collection and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to grab so many awesome SW games that I could easily access and enjoy. Unfortunately Shortly after the purchase, I began the download of KOTOR steam began to display odd download issues. Although KOTOR completed its download and was playable, it downloaded in spurts and constantly would hang at progressive percentages. The apparent solution at the time was to pause and then resume the download in rapid succession. This did work to complete that download correctly, however I felt like playing Empire at War as well, so I began its download right after the installation of KOTOR. The download of EaW would not complete regardless of how many times I paused and resumed it. At that time I decided that it was likely just the Steam servers where at high capacity or overloaded due to the popularity of the SW pack, so I held off on completing the download until the following Monday and continued to play KOTOR. On Monday I woke up bright and early and began the download of EaW. But this time it stalled at 20% and would move no further. I proceeded to delete the local game content and try the download again, only this time it would hang at 99%. I thought again that maybe it was the same possible cause of the server being maxed so I tried an experiment. I deleted local content for Shogun: Total War and tried to download the game again. The results where the same. I would hang at several percentages and finally hang at 99%. I began to Google a solution and found numerous posts by individuals with the same or similar issues. The list of solutions was quite extensive as well. Everything from clicking the pause and resume download button rapidly to re-installing Windows. I attempted every possible solution that Steam has on its support site to no avail. I submitted a ticked to Steam support and thus far haven't received a response. I have done literally everything listed on the Steam support site including re-installing Windows. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I run Windows 7 service pack 1.

Thanks in advance for your responses!

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