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Alll companions in party and plot active?


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Is it possible to have all companions in the party and plot active at once? It seems you can add all companions with zz_addparty name, but this doesn't allow story acknowledgment afaik.


For example in NWN2 (before anyone reminds me, yes I know Bioware didn't make NWN2, however they do have the same engine base, iirc) you could make a game run with all companions in your group and actively making their game comments for a much fuller story experience. Sure it's a bit harder work on your PC but can be quite fun.


Currently you can't access Spell and Talents of members not in the first 4 slots you can get a 5th member to respond to the story points but currently the camera doesn't find the 5th member correctly. Most often you find the camera is looking from inside a wall or under ground, plus you can't hear or see dialog.


Anyone have any idea how this could be done, it seems like it could be possible since you can have all members in your party at once?



Thanks for any tips. :)

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