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Answer a simple question,


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Your goal is to accept the premise and rules that are stated and give a logical answer to the question:


Suppose there is a Forum with just one Admin, and no Moderators, and that everyone in the Forum keeps his postings in correct spelling.

Some by correcting misspellings themselves, some by asking the Admin to correct them for them.

The Admin obeys the following rule: He corrects all and only those misspellings that he gets asked to correct.


Under this scenario, we can ask the following question: Does the Admin correct his own misspellings?






(any misspelling is unintentional and not connected to the solving of this question)

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Unless he is a hypocrite of sorts, I would expect him to correct his own spelling as well as that of others. Though if I were he, I'd get kinda tired with all these requests of misspelling... 
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Depending on what kind of person the admin would be, he might or he might not do it. And as Jaosals said, I think he would quit after a while. Imagine having a very populated forum(1.000.000 members) and lets say that only 50% are active. From those 50%, only 25% are excelent English speakers, the rest are "foreigners" and make mistakes. He'll have a lot of work to do. :)
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Well if you would have analyzed the situation logically you would have come to the conclusion that the situation presented is in fact impossible:


* If the Admin does not correct his misspellings, he must abide by the rule and correct them himself.

* If he does correct them himself, according to the rule he will not correct them himself.


Its a Paradox Situation that is logically impossible.


read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barber_paradox



If anyone dares he can ask further questions here (hopefully logically ones), i am done with mine.

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....This would be nearly the same as saying "I allways lie, and never tell the truth" to some one. is the speaker lying or telling the truth? it is impossible to answer the question :mellow:
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Actually you can ask yourself to do something for yourself.. most people call that being independent. Say you are living with your parents.. and you've grown accustomed to sitting in your room all day playing DDR while sippin on coca-cola and chewin on popcorn.. you're officially lazy and chronically gaining weight..Then one day you wake up and realize you're quickly turning into a no progress fat slob and that the world doesn't treat those that do nothing all to well..that eventually your parents are going to pass away and you'll be stuck in a house you cannot pay for..and no amount of DDR win streaks is going to save you..This is when you sit down and think about what you can do to better yourself and your life.. in the process you question your own actions.. and then question yourself "Can i make something of myself..will i be able to survive on my own?..Will the world swallow me whole while i am trying?..Can i hold a decent job while maintaining household bills AND figuring out how the hell i am going to get anywhere because my overweight never learned to drive.."(with the exception of forza sport and GTA4).


if you find yourself succesful and surviving..then maybe it's because you asked yourself a few of these questions... and answered them.


So yes.. a Mod or Admin can ask themselves to correct their own mistakes..even considering he would break his own rule.. if anyone on the forum would have the rights to break the rules.. it would be the people who made them.. as my mom used to tell me "Do as i say..not as i do". it's either that or a life of dance dance rev..

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