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Navmeshing and AI Packages: How do they relate?

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So, I've been having a (yet another) problem, regarding navmeshing and AI packages, while I'm doing edits to Goodsprings for my personal use.


So, for instance, I modify the Navmesh in GSHouse1 (the house where Sunny and Trudy sleep), to take into account the obstacles in the path (tables, a chair, that sort of thing). When I finalize and whatnot the navmesh, then boot up the game and give it a test, I notice that Trudy never moves; when the Powder Gangers attack, she stands still and does nothing, and when the time comes for her to sleep, she simply stands in the room and does nothing.


Whats the relationship between Navmeshes and AI packages, and why does editing the Navmesh screw things up?

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Path-finding of AI packages rely on Navmeshes. If the latter are screwed-up, packages may not process properly/at all.

Try converting your file into an ESM, using FNVEdit (a video tutorial is available here).

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