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What mods i need to have graphic like this?


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K, thanks for the post. :)


Your PC is indeed on the higher end, but I don't think that you'll be able to effectively replicate the screenshots on that page without having the game slow down greatly. Top-tier graphics mod like the latest ENB's with all features and textures of that quality (they all look at least 2k to me, probably even 4k) I've seen comments from other people who have the same (rough) specs as you and that's the general impression I've got anyway.


For example, one of the people who posted screenshots on that page was charlievoviii. His specs include an i7-3930K and two NVidia GTX 680s running together. You can get a very nice Skyrim running with what you have, but it won't be capable of the stuff you see there.

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Thanks for reply but I would like to know what kind ENB and texture is that.I would like to have graphics like this if this is possible, it's my first time to do modding and want to test my PC:). I am already working on installing mods from other links, guides so I'll see where it goes. :)

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I think you guys are being too hard on him, i'm running...:


Intel i5 3570 3.4ghz QUAD Without Overclocking

16gb Ram

GeForce GTX 660 TI 10.8gb Mem.

MS-7751 MSI Mother Board


I am able to use high end graphics mods with modifications to distance rendering with almost no drop in frame rate. I'm also having no increase in internal temperatures although i have 5 total fans running inside my tower at the bare minimum RPMs even on automatic adjusting. This is all with hundreds of other mods that would vastly add onto the system load, hundreds of extra npcs and buildings, flora and objects and many scripts running.


Based on those specs i don't see ANY reason why he would have any difficulty running these kinds of graphics. If he does, or specifically this is towards Nanobuds then it may be unrelated to your GPU. You may have a heat issue, bad drivers, an unsuitable processor, not enough memory...the list goes on.


The only thing i'm not impressed with is his processor. AMD is vastly inferior to Intel in nearly every known aspect. Even a 2.5ghz i5 processor should outperform a 4ghz AMD. In that regard you may struggle and have to go easy on mods that increase the load on your processor like city overhauls. Graphics wise you will do fine.


I suggest RealVision ENB or Bleak Realism ENB (I recently decided to switch over to Bleak from RealVision because it is newer) Following the directions given on the mod's page, and make sure to download the reccomended and required mods listed..taking careful consideration of your processors capability when selecting higher FPS needy mods. RealVision has a pretty good instruction manual for getting good graphics on its main page, Bleak Realism you'll need to look into specifics on your own, such as improved city textures, flora, fire, spells etc etc etc. Also if you are concerned about interal temperatures consider getting more fans installed if your board will allow it, it also helps to keep your rig in a nice and cool room. I have a box fan sitting behind me and my room temp is probably about 58 right now, while its 78 degrees outside. CPU is cold to the touch :tongue:


Edit: If you have any issues; feel free to let me know via pm and i'll see if i can help.

Edited by skyrimguyxx
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I have very similar PC specs as you do, with the same graphics card, and I can tell you now that your game will NOT run well with those graphics.

I had downloaded Bleak Realism ENB and what can I say, It's beautiful and i have good fps. Thanks for suggest. :)

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