kastano Posted May 8, 2014 Share Posted May 8, 2014 HalloI was looking at an old mod of mine http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/43370/?the slingshot is a bow and when it unequips (instead of going at the back of the player)a belt model is equiped (all controled by a quest script so it works only for player)Now i created two scripts (object scripts) one for the slingshot and one for the belt so it can be standalone (no quest script needed)The scripts seem to work fine but the bowmorph animation dont play on npcs (it works for the player and the scripts work for both player and npcs)- if i dettouch the script the animation playselse the animation plays only for the playerany hint?here are the scripts but i dont think that is the cause scn aaaslingshotbeltshort wtshort wioref shooterref slingref alterweaponfloat fQuestDelayTimebegin onequipset sling to getselfset shooter to getcontainershooter.removeitemNS AAASlingShot 1endbegin gamemodeset fQuestDelayTime to 1set wio to shooter.IsWeaponOutif wio == 1if shooter.GetEquipped AAASfentonaseathif shooter.GetItemCount AAASlingShot == 0shooter.AdditemNS AAASlingShot 1Endifif shooter.GetItemCount AAASlingShot >= 1shooter.EquipItemNS AAASlingShotshooter.removeitemNS AAASfentonaseath 1;set belteqquiped to 0EndifEndifEndifif wio == 0shooter.UNEquipItemSilent AAASlingShotEndifendbegin onunequipif shooter.GetItemCount AAASlingShot == 0shooter.Additem AAASlingShot 1shooter.RemoveMeelseshooter.RemoveMeEndifend scn aaaSlingshotObScriptshort wioshort onholdshort belteqquipedref shooterref slingfloat fQuestDelayTimebegin onequipset sling to getselfset shooter to getcontainershooter.removeitem AAASfentonaseath 1endbegin gamemodeset fQuestDelayTime to 1set shooter to getcontainer ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;set wio to shooter.IsWeaponOutif wio == 1if shooter.GetEquipped AAASfentonaseathif shooter.GetItemCount AAASlingShot >= 1shooter.EquipItem AAASlingShotshooter.removeitemNS AAASfentonaseath 1set belteqquiped to 0EndifEndif;set phase to 0Endifif wio == 0 && shooter.GetEquipped AAASlingShotshooter.UnequipItemSilent AAASlingShotif shooter.GetItemCount AAASfentonaseath == 0shooter.AdditemNS AAASfentonaseath 1endifshooter.EquipItemNS AAASfentonaseathEndifEnd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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