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What tools/mods should I get for Morrowind?


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Hello, I have been playing Morrowind on the xbox forever and about a month or two ago got it on pc. Downloaded a bunch of mods, played a lot of them, then keep having trouble with things like "dirty references" and "gmts" and other things I never encountered before. Went for all the cleaning tools and such but I got so confused and frustrated I just uninstalled the game and wanted to start over from scratch.


Soooo what I wanted to ask all of you, what should I (or anyone new to the PC version and the amazingness that is modding) get for this game? I am not really talking about certain mods (like Better Bodies or Graphics Overhaul) but things used to clean mods, order mod loadout, and patches for the game.


Also how can you change the loadout order? I was (before I uninstalled everything) trying to get a plugin that was a patch for another plugin to load after it (which I assume is to be below it) but when I used mlox it didn't change it and comes in frustration.


(Sorry if this is in the wrong in the wrong forum, I didn't know if this belonged in Morrowind Discussion or Technical Support. If needed I'll move it over)

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