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Hey everyone,

I have a new house idea today and I'm just asking someone to possibly make it. Before anyone accuses me of taking other ideas from other mods, when you see a mod that you really like, it places ideas in your head. So I will give credit where credit is due, but I'm asking for a new/unique home mod.

The House

First, the house is just a remodel and addition to Breezehome in Whiterun.


It should include the standard Breezehome with 2 stories, but have a tower and basement.


I like the tower from Shezries. It provides a nice lookout, magic tower feel.




  • The tower would be better if it was not just a third story addition but a third and fourth story.
  • The area that looks outside of the tower should be considered an entrance to skyrim so you can just hop out if you want.
  • There should also be a smiting area in the 4th story tower.
  • An arcane enchanter and alchemy station should be on the 3rd story.

The basement would also be very cool.

  • This should include storage areas, mannequins, weapon racks, and an escape tunnel into the sewer outside of Whiterun.
  • I envision the feel of the basement to be like the Thief House in the Riften Canals. Click the link and you will know what I mean.

The inside of the house should feel like a cozy Whiterun home.

  • Just remodel it a bit so that the enchanting and alchemy area is replaced with another room for a companion.
  • The upstairs should be more like a loft to the master bedroom.
  • This part of the home should just feel warm while not feeling dimly lit.

I will add more details soon. I just hate typing sometimes.


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