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Easier exits


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Been thinking alot about that it would be nice with a mod that first of all sets the exit from a campfire, suitcase, vendor etc to the same button. The game seems to like switching between "X" and "E" alot.


The other thing similar to that would be a quick way to end dialogues (if that option is available) with a button. Maybe even numbers before each choice that can be chosen by pressing the same number on the keyboard.


All for a smoother overall experience :)

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The problem with changing the buttons is that it requires editing the xml files that contain the menu information. Which means you'll need different ones for vanilla hud, DarnUI, MTUI, etc. As well as accounting for every mod that modifies all of those menus with all of those HUDs. Lot of work.


The second might be possible a bit more easily (with the exception of the number thing) except that some NPCs use the exit dialogue option to run scripts that start combat, complete quests, etc. So if you skip those you break things, and trying to account for all of them would be a nightmare.

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