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Any mod or the possibility of one to reset dungeons and such?


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Hi, I am wondering if there is any mod that can do this? Or is it possible at all? The reason i am interested in this is because it is a bit disappointing to reach the end of the game to level 20-25 having learned all those skills/talents for your MPC and party and then have it abruptly end with no further use for them.


Of course i am used to this from other similar RPGs but i have always felt the same way lol.

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Yes it is possible. You see, all the enemies are categorized into spawn groups and there are, like for everything else that happens, certain parameters in the game, that get set if a group is defeated or a plot event has happened. A mod can very simply reset those marker variables to their original value and the group will be there again.


However, defeating groups of enemies does often trigger certain special cutscenes or does set very specific parameters (set quest markers, give plot items, ...), that are very important later on. Messing around with this can and most likely will break the game to the point where a savegame becomes utterly useless and "damaged" so to speak. Someone has to go very, very carefully through the scripts to make sure, that this won't happen and I can almost guarantee, that the first few versions of such a mod will break the game none the less as this is a massive game and tinkering with one part tends to have unforeseeable consequences later on.


However, there are other possibilities that are a better choice to continue the fight. For example, why not expand upon the arena in the dwarven section of the game. It shouldn't be hard to make a mod that allows infinite repeatable arena matches with different enemies and situations. Or build entirely new locations in the game and make sure, they are repeatable. So, adding stuff is easier and a lot more compatible than manipulating existing areas.

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yes excellent idea TheMutator.


or maybe a custom mode that allow us to encounter player made and we get to reset it everytime we re-visit it with different setting and surrounding and adding some of the ingame voice acting would make it a must have player DLC hehe.

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