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New graphics card causing a stutter


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After my ol' BFG GeForce 8600GT bit the dust for unknown reasons, I made a minor upgrade. I've installed an MSI GeForce 9400 GT 512MB card (the best I can get without replacing my motherboard; trying to save cash) and it runs pretty well on most games I've tried so far- Crysis at medium, Half-Life 2 at maximum, Shaun White Snowboarding at full bore.


It even seems to handle Oblivion quite well, as evidenced in a rather dense fight I got into as a test. But after a bit of gameplay, I notice a stutter. It's not so bad at first but it steadily gets worse, increasing in frequency til it just gets annoying. A brief pop turns into a series of jolts every second.


I've updated the card's drivers and am running DirectX 9c on a Windows XP machine. Afterburner shows acceptable temperature levels, and I'm not gonna push the limit with the overclocking after what happened to the last card. I'm also using Streamline 3 and Oblivion Stutter Reducer, which worked wonders before the switch.


Any suggestions on curing these hiccups?

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