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BoS and Hi-Tech


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Wouldn't it make sense that BoS had some Hi-Tech stuff on theyr base?

I mean really hi-tech.Like advanced weapons(more powerful than vanillas)

and armors?They collect tech right?So they must have some stashed.

I was very dissapointed than I didn't find any in theyr storage place.


So someone please create a mod?Please?

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  • 3 weeks later...

i did find the base lacking at best. i would of thought they would of had one of the larger base bunkers around to the point there own farms for fresh things to eat that was from the past. to the point it was all self ..whats that word im thinking of where they just have the ability to support there self's there? amd i found it odd they did not have a area to get rid of any rads someone might have before entering the bunker. even change of armors and such even at the main door theres no def agesnt anyone trying to force there way in. (like the player unlocking the door to get it)

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