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Problem with FOOk 2..


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How do you revert textures back to Original? The mod its self is solid and gives me no problems, I just like the Vanilla Talon Company Combat Armor better than the full black FOOk version. I removed the texture for it in the correct folder but now Its coming up all mixmatched n wierd looking. :wacko:


SO does anyone know how to Change it back to its original texture???

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Sure, that will be $15.00












You use FOMM don't you?




Anyway if you don't use it, you should, an also use FOSE with it.





You don't have to use them, but you would be one of the two people not using it.






Anyhowz, there's two possible cases.





1. Fookers just reskinned it, and kept the vanilla folder path, which would save time as not having to mess with it in geck.


Which the fix for that, would be to use FOMM to unpack the .BSA archive, in the data file there are these .BSA files


which are archives, compressed libraries of files (I.E. meshes, textures, sound) There's one .bsa for all the stuff we use.


So the fallout 3 is almost 6GB even compressed into .BSA, kind of makes you wonder huh...



Anyhow, so inside the .bsa there are folder paths, which were set up when the file was created, it was just a big data file


but when compressed, all the folders got compressed too, so they're still there. Take the 10mm pistol...


It's probably something like textures/weapons/1handpistol/10mmpistol.dds. What's kind of cool about fallout is that


unlike other games you don't have to have everything in the archive, in order for the game to use it. Which is why when you


get mods you see that we pack them inside normal folders, not .bsa type archives (unless we wana get fancy)


I prefer lazy to fancy if you ask me, but eh..




Okay so FOOK2 is a mod so durring the install it created actual folders which model that folder path, inside the data folder.



Meshes- folder has stuff like armor, weapons, there's one for FOOK (all their stuff)


Textures-folder has stuff kind of the same, but you don't have to follow the vanilla path if you are creating something.





FOMM has a built in .BSA unpacker, which is the only one I know about.


You launch FOMM, then there's a .BSA unpacker button, click that, then work your way over to the fallout 3 data folder


which it's nice just to put a shortcut to the fallout 3 data folder on the destop, so then you just click the shortcut on the desktop


from FOMM's .BSA unpacker (but you click on the shortcut a lot of other times too) Back to the story


Okay so in the fallout 3 data folder, there are .BSA archives for all the stuff the vanilla fallout 3 game uses.


Before you install mods it's pretty much all .BSA stuff. In your case you're looking to unpack a texture


so open up the Textures.BSA, Hey wow it's called Fallout-textures.bsa woo hoo


So then you type in what you are looking for once the Great an Powerful FOMM has openned it.


It's rivetcity armor, but who knows what the name is, you'll have to look for it, and they name stuff weird.



It's actually better if you know what you are looking for, before you go in, which you can use FO3edit, an GECK to find names


unless you just want to search endlessly thru files.




It's an outfit, to there might be male an female, plus most of the vanilla stuff they all named outfit, an then just put into named folders.


At any rate, each model has a main texture, then a normal map



the main texture is all the colors, then the normal map is a way to give high detail to 3D objects, without actually


carving them into the shape, but it also has some other gloss/shiny qualitys, or like matte, an such




Once you find the files, you use FOMM to extract, which if you have more than one file selected usually it will unpack the


folders with it, the most easy way to find the folder path, So if it were me an I unpacked the rivet city outfit


an it didn't unpack the folders with it, I would unpack it again, with some other crap selected too, like 10mmpistol.dds or something


then just delete the pistol stuff.




Once you have it unpacked to the desktop, open it up an follow it down the path, also open up your actual data folder, an follow


down that path in another window, when you get to the bottom, you drag an drop the files in, Which if the FOOKERS did it the


more easy way, the reskins should model the vanilla texture paths.






2. The other way would be if FOOKERS used GECK to either apply alternate textures to the outfits, or simply changing the


model, and they could have even changed the folder path, then programed it into the mesh, but they would really only do that


if they had a better mesh than the vanilla one. I think it would take up too much time to do it this way anyway. There's just


a more easy way to reskin the vanilla stuff. But now you know how not to reskin the vanilla stuff, so if you find a mod that


replaces something, it should only be a few clicks to change it to a custom non replacer item. Yay For us!







Okay bye this sux...








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