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an idea based on an original post.

makes me wonder if it's possible to create a random NPC generator with random names that are neither important nor essential... who are also marriageable... and can become followers...

further, if it's possible to randomise names for every generically generated npc =x

lol i can picture the mod name already: Generically Generated Actor Name Generator - GGANG! xD

and it's counterpart: GGAGG! (swap name for Gene... that would make them more randomly generated, physically =x)


so i was commenting on someone else's thread and a set of ideas hit me.

  • would it be very difficult to create a mod that would create random encounter NPCs with different names?
  • as an add-on, would it be possible to change some kind of NPC generation algorithm to make them, by default, marriageable And able to become followers? (i'm talking about those random nameless NPCs we see walking around everywhere, about giving them names and other things)
  • both items above would be part of, what i think would be a good name for it, a mod called GGANG! Generically Generated Actor Name Generator!
  • this mod would have a counterpart to randomise their physical appearance and miscellaneous attributes, skills and preferences, namely GGAGG! Generically Generated Actor Gene Generator!

what do you guys think?

comments? suggestions? shoot down? hugs?

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Would be perfect if finally all those bandits had proper names, like in Morrowind. It's just so much harder to bring yourself to kill them when they got NAMES... :C

I wouldn't hesitate to unceremonically bash a "Bandit Marauder"'s head in, but "Thylenia Uligen" might be spared (so long as I'm using a yielding mod).

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@notmyhome - lol i liked that about morrowind. i didn't even remember it until you said it xD

@skyrimwolf1993 - fallout 3 has a lot of stuff skyrim doesn't have... and vice versa. =x

Edited by eksynn
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