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Screenshot issues


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Hi, first time posting here, but i was thinking of doing some cool screens for some mods and i realised that everytime i save a screen i cant access it normally.


Windows picture and fax viewer says failed to draw, and in paint or any other program for viewing pics, they are slanted, grey and one piece is cut and moved to the other side of the picture.


I am running Windows XP Home


I can take the screenshot, exit the game and paste into paint, but it is a much much longer process.

Please help soon.

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fallout 3 saves the screen shots in the main fallout 3 folder you dont need to copy and paste to paint you just need to enable it in the fallout.ini file it maybe done all ready


search you pc for fallout.ini , then open it with notepad then click edit , the scroll down and click find...


this >>> bAllowScreenShot


if it`s =0 change it to =1


then all you need to do is hi the print screen key and they are saved in your fallout 3 folder


For nice screenshots in console type these


* tfc - toggle free camera; lets you move around the camera at will. To take pictures of your character, make sure you go into third person mode first.

* tm - toggle menus; removes the HUD for even nicer pictures (it will not notify you when the screenshot has been successfully captured but it will function)

* sucsm 10, fast, sucsm 1, slow moving camera in tfc.

* fov 40, narrow, fov 90, wide angle lens. fov 75, default lens.

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