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Eternal Sonata Mod?


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My favorite games have been Eternal Sonata and Skyrim as of late. And I wished that I could use Polka's magic and the moves of other characters, in Skyrim. I wouldn't expect melee moves to be included. But magic, and maybe their weapons could be added. Personally, I would LOVE Roundel and Zodiac, and Serenades moves (cause Verbum: Expello). For reference, here is a couple videos of all special moves, recorded by OmegaEvolution, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0luzQiv0SM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbZAT1BEcyY Thank you to anyone who may do this. If it needs more elaboration, feel free to ask.

Edited by corrine009
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