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CMpartners lose their broken items


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My CM Partners lose their broken weapons.

They drop them on the floor, it gets a bit annoying always checking around to see if they have everything.

I remember there was a mod to prevent this.


Would someone know the name of this mod ?

Or maybe a way to avoid this ?

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I don't know the name of the mod, but it sounds cool. If you are a bit of a modder, and aren't always changing what weapons your companions carry, you could change the mod so you could fix or replace their damaged or lost weapons. Like if you had a companion that carried a Daedric Longsword, you could make a quest with a dialog topic with an info sort of like, "Your sword is damaged! Let's stop and fix it." Result Script:

MyCompanionREF.RemoveItem WeaponDaedricLongsword 1
MyCompanionREF.AddItem WeaponDaedricLongsword 1
MyCompanionREF.EquipItem WeaponDaedricLongsword 1
Playsound UIArmorWeaponRepair

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well hmm i am changing the weapons all the time. :)

I m playing with five partners at a time , using silver swords when i have ghosts to kill or

the strongest weapon they can take for other ennemies.

Francescos mod makes the game harder so it is still a challenge even with the partners.


Well for my problem, yes i thought about this, that the characters SHOULD KEEP their broken wepons and tell the player they broke their sword /or REPAIR THEM after combat

if they have the skills and repair hammers.


(i am playing with 20 partners choosing up to five of them according to the kind of quest i have to do and their competences. So its a bit difficult to manage if they drop their weapons etc.)

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