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modder for hire


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I'm just curious, but how many people have you actually seen make a mod from requests on this website? Because I have been around here for way too long, and I have only seen a very small handful of requests that ever get responded to, and even less that actually ever get made.


The thing is, "most people in the nexus forums" don't mod at all, and the ones that do, do so to make their own ideas come to life as opposed to the ideas of some random person they know off the internet.

Reasonable and interesting requests stand a decent change of being fulfilled; Wearable Holotags is a good example. I think the problem is that most modders would rather apply themselves to something besides Nazi armor or pantyhose.


Still, for every one request that is made, another 20 drift off into the back pages of the forums :smile:


that is just the way things are



If you want something done, do it yourself. That is why I took the time to learn how to build interior spaces in the GECK, not because I want to make stuff for random people off an internet request forum, but because I had a vision of something I wanted done and I wasn't going to wait around for someone else to do if for me.


it is easy to learn, it just takes a little bit of time and dedication


it isn't like it is 3D modeling or animation or something like that, which is quite complex and difficult to learn...

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Still, for every one request that is made, another 20 drift off into the back pages of the forums :smile:
Consider the nature of those requests, though: a healthy chunk of them are either impossible or impractical due to engine limitations, and a lot of them only appeal to person requesting them. Would you bother to make a mod that you never expected to use yourself?


I'm not trying to start an argument or anything; I just think that a lot of people attribute the lack of request fulfillment here to laziness on the part of modders, when in reality it's largely due to the requesters' general ignorance as to what's feasible within the rigid limitations of GECK.

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Still, for every one request that is made, another 20 drift off into the back pages of the forums :smile:
Consider the nature of those requests, though: a healthy chunk of them are either impossible or impractical due to engine limitations, and a lot of them only appeal to person requesting them. Would you bother to make a mod that you never expected to use yourself?


I'm not trying to start an argument or anything; I just think that a lot of people attribute the lack of request fulfillment here to laziness on the part of modders, when in reality it's largely due to the requesters' general ignorance as to what's feasible within the rigid limitations of GECK.


It has nothing to do with lazyness, it has everything to do with the fact that moders will make what they want regardless of what people request.


It is 100% because moders are people with lives and plenty of other stuff to do, and if they want to dedicate serious time into a mod, then it is going to be something that they have dreamed of haveing in the game, not something someone else wants.



Me, I could make a vault mod for someone quite easily, but I won't. Not because it is hard, or because I am lazy, but because I have a bigger and more ambitious project that I am working on and because I would rather spend my time makeing more models and textures. Because really, the community needs more moders resource models and stuff a lot more than it needs another vault mod.




Personally, I find the idea of comeing onto a website and expecting people you don't know to just make stuff for you is just plane laughable, and I am insanely suprised every time someone actually does make a mod for someone.


Then again, a lot of those are like the Midwest Brotherhood of Steel armor I am working on, they requested it after I had already started makeing it myself, so I just gave some screenshots of my progress. But my decision to make the thing had nothing to do with the fact that some random guy on the internet wanted me to.




But anyways, thats just my personal opinion, take it or leave it, makes no difference to me.

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