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Remember candles? There were so many kinds and variations, colors, ahhh. I used to go crazy trying to collect one of every single kind in morrowind. I really miss that and I hate see candles everywhere in Skyrim that I cannot pick up or even knock over. I ran across a couple mods that do this to a small extent, but not on as grand a scale as I would like. Any chance of that happening?

Edited by justaking
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There is the original mod Candles of the North - Morrowind-esque wielded candles for Skyrim and my mod, OBIS Redone, which has incorporated the candles from that mod and bandits have a chance to spawn with them.


How many color variants were their?

In morrowind? Off the top of my head, I remember yellow, green, green-blue, red, black, white, purple and then those bug lamp things where you couldnt even see the fuel. Candlesticks, free-standing candles,, lanterns, bug-lamps, oil lamps and different variations of all of them. There were just so many, I can't remember every finding them all or getting bored with seeing new ones.

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There is the original mod Candles of the North - Morrowind-esque wielded candles for Skyrim and my mod, OBIS Redone, which has incorporated the candles from that mod and bandits have a chance to spawn with them.


How many color variants were their?

Hey JobVanDam,

I was looking at the mods and they look cool. I wanted to try them out, but was a little confused about which files I needed and which I didn't need. Here are the ones i downloaded, I am using Requiem so I need the patch. Can you tell me if I have any extra that I don't need.. or if I am missing any that I still need? Thanks.


OBISDB - Requiem Patch-50795-2-0 ( DB is referring to DragonBorn, right? so I don't need the one after this if I have DragonBorn DLC?)

OBIS - Requiem Patch-50795-2-0

OBIS - Full with 1-61G update-31264-1-61G

OBIS Redone-52067-1-00

Updated OBIS esp and OBIS Redone esp-52067-1-00 (out of these three I don't know which ones i need for the most current data and which ones are repetitive)

Candles of the North v2_0-20606-2-0

Edited by justaking
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