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Did hel borne take his mods down?!


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If I felt the same way he/she apparently does The Vampire Hunter never would have been released, nor the follow up to Viconia DeVir. The fact is that there are plenty of people out there. If I make just one person happy it's all worth it.


If you're modding for tons of ratings, comments and fanfare you are modding for the wrong reason.

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i bet the main reason they even download the Viconia DeVir mod is because of Viconia DeVir.


I lot of people are content with what they have and they don't give other mods a chance.


i bet the guys/girls behind the best known mods get comments or messages like this:


"Hey i found YYY and it was really cool! Can you add YYY to your mod and make it better? yeah thanks!"



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