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getting a boost to sneak at nights


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apparently this mod doesn't exist so maybe someone in here can help me...

it's a pretty simple mod im searching for, im using fellout with dark nights so i can't see at all at night and i like it...

now the problem is they(the enemies) CAN see me so here we go:


im searching for a mod that will either give me a boost to sneak during the nights


that will decrease the enemies line of sight or their perception, during the nights.


this is pretty simple to do i think, if only i knew how but what i do know it dosen't require any special textures

or something like that...


i know that the mod: Enhanced weather: rain and snow gives you a boost to sneak during storms,

witch can be a good base and example for this mod.



so here it is, i hope some1 can help me here maybe this mod does exist and i never found it....

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well i can tell you that the enhanced weather mods does NOT give you sneak boost during the nights only during the storms, you can look it up in the read me and since i am using both fellout and the enhanced weather mods i can asure you of that, you can check it yourself, ingame or with the mod creators. type Ctrl+F in the link that you just gave me and search for the word: sneak, youll find 4 matches all referring to the sneak during the storms.


this mod does not exist people or again i didn't find it..... not in the forum or the fo3nexus.....


it is true that the lighting does have an effect on sneak but personaly i never seen it.



and before some one asks yes i know how to sneak.....

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