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Flight Form - Raven Shapeshifter


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I usually dont use fast travel, so I was looking for interesting, immersive mods that may help on moving around through Skyrim. There is a lot of good stuff, flying mods, dragon wings, flying mounts and stuff, but that may be way to unimmersive to use, so I was thinking about something a little more discreet for a mage/sorceror/druid character.

It would be possibly to make a shapeshifter mod that allows you to transform into a Raven / Storm Crow? Nothing fancy... just a spell / power that allows you to transform, fly around and transform back.

The shapeshifters mods that I found dont allow you to fly, and although exist some really cool ones like the batform for vampires or the dragon transformations, they can be a little out of character for most chars.

So, thats it... if someone think it's worth a try...

Thanks anyway.
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If you got shapeshifting mods, maybe they work with the flying mod.


Alternatively, there's the Flyable Dragon Races mod, doing what we all wanted: Setting free the Dovahkiin's inner dragon!


I appreciate you answer, but unfortunately the Flyable Dragon Race mod, like I said, dont really fit for most characters. It can be really unimmersive sometimes. I tried it sometime ago, endorsed it, but its not for every game. Actually, this was the mod that made me think about a more immersive flyght form.
And using the flying mod with the another shapeshifter form is always an option, but since I'll be using a mod that allows the character to fly in human form, there is really no point in transform into something just for immersion sake. Thats why I suggest this mod... do the same thing, but in a more easy, immersive way.
But anyway, I thank you for your answer and for your time.
Edited by avallanche
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