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Fallout: Reilly's Rejects


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Thx Gormonk! :thanks: This chapter is a lil dark, but thats Fallout for ya :dry: Reader Discretion is Advised








Close to an hour had passed, and Jonas hasn't came back yet. Linney sat in her lover's room, locked behind that closed door. It was all she could think about. Jonas's gang of raiders attacked a small settlement up to the south. Her parents were dead before hand, and she had no real connection to the place, So she fled the scene. Hid and left the ruined village for her own safety. The Raider gang followed her, with savage intent. When they cornered her miles away from the camp, Jonas spared her life. She was fast, beautiful, and could prove useful to Jonas's Gang. At first they used her to lure lone wanderers into traps, or used her as Super-Mutant bate. She was a fledgling to it all. The violence, the selfless acts that all raiders craved. And Jonas took her under his wing.


But when their affinity for one another turned to genuine passion, all that was at an end. Jonas kept her safe. Keeping her by his side, not letting her venture out far from his side when they went out on raids. But at the Mancho Factory, it was different. Hard for most of the raiders there to keep their eyes off of her. So to keep Linney safe - out of harms way, Jonas kept her concealed behind closed doors so the raider men wouldn't ravage her. The two of them thought it best, since she had such a resentment towards the raiders anyways. Linney didn't like being around the other. Only wanting to spend her time with Janus, and only Jonas. But she felt constricted. Like a pet almost. And now with the slave collar locked around her neck it was becoming a reality.


Usually when Jonas leaves her in the room by herself, he doesn't stay out longer than a few minutes. Unless he would say so otherwise. He didn't say; she remembered. The man Tyson, whom she had seen only a few times before had pulled Jonas away from her. Must have been urgent, anytime that man came around it would mean that Jonas would be busy. But this time it was different. Linney could feel it. The raiders that night were excited. Their barbaric cries, and nefarious laughter could be heard from beyond the bounds of the door and walls of the small room that contained her. She was curious, since she hadn't adopted to the crude activity that went on in the camp. It bothered her even more that night, while such rampant behavior was ensuing and Jonas, her lover was out in it. So, after trying to detach the slave collar a final time, she headed out of the room.


Inside the office, she spotted a few raiders, joking amongst each other. Across the room, past the cubicles that filled the space, she could see the two black uniformed guards standing at ease in front of King Mancho's throne room. If Jonas was visiting King Mancho, the guards wouldn't have been as laid back, so she turned around trying to figure out where he might have gone.


“Well well well.. What do we have here..” A raiders voice called out to her. She looked directly in front of her and sighed regretting that she overlooked the two idle raiders. She slowly adjusted her self as they approached her. She was wearing a small lose dress shirt. It was white, and was buttoned down only enough to keep it together. She began to button the shirt up as best she could, but was halted by one of the raiders who rested his arm on her shoulder. The other rested his body against the wall beside them.


“You lost lil girl?” The raider said as he slowly began to caress her shoulder.


“Of course not..” Linney replied. She slowly moved his hand from her, and watched the other raider who was licking his lips seductively. Her head turned towards the two uniformed guards across the room. They of course, were watching but did nothing.


“Hey mami! How about we have a good time eh?” One of the Raiders said to her as he rested against the wall. The other one laughed out like a jackal.


“In your dreams scum bag.” Linney pressed her body forcibly past the raider in her path, and made her way to the double doors. Her only thought of escape from the men.


“Wait a minute... isn't that Jonas's gal?” One of the raiders questioned.


“Yea, So! Who gives a poo?” The other savage man replied.


“So he'll kill our sorry asses if we've been messing around with his girl!”


“Yeah so watch your ass!” Linney said as she headed passed them. She headed to the stairs, and began to walk them.


“Heh.. I'll watch your ass instead baby.” One of the raiders said as he glanced at her rear.


The two raiders watched her skirt shift suggestively from side to side, until Linney walked up from their line of view. She Headed up the walkway until she made it up, and peered through one of the open windows. She saw the main , where the main body of raiders were making such a commotion. A portion of the raiders she could recognize. But most were fresh faces. They communed together, like only raiders knew how; through violence and other undesirable affairs. It was frantic, idiotic and homicidal; a vaunt of chaotic amusement. Linney could barely hear the radio speaker's blasting Galaxy News Radio through all the madness. But she could tell, by the way thee raiders responded to the record, that it was none other than 'Butcher Pete'.


Linney continued to scan into the crowd of marauding raiders, trying to spot Jonas. She saw Rodney, the ball cap wearing crazy, arm wrestling with one of the new raiders while, Slash was planted right between them. Linney watched the contest, until the back of Rodney's arm was nearing the table. He was about to lose, and the humiliation of it wasn't something Rodney was ready for. So he quickly gave the order to Slash, and the brutish man slammed his fist into the opposer. Slash pulled out his giant Machete, and hacked the mans arm off in an instant. Linney turned away from it, before she could see the others revel in the violent act.


Towards the main gate, she spotted a slow hovering crowd of badly dressed men and women approaching the main courtyard. New Recruits? She wondered as she saw them. They weren't raiders. She could tell by the look on their faces. They were either sickened, or gasping in awe as they witnessed some of the activities taking place within the base. They were green, she knew it. Linney's been around raiders long enough to tell the difference between those that have killed, and those who haven't. She pierced her eyes in the direction of where she thought the raiders were heading and to her consolation she found Jonas. Linney's face filled up vibrantly, and she waved out to Jonas trying to grab his attention.


“Baby!!“ She called out to him, but it fell upon death ears. She was too far. The raider banter along with the loud music saturated her attempts to contact him so she just let it go. She watched him, feeling a bit of comfort that he wasn't participating in any of the violence that filled the raider get together. Jonas was standing with his bare back resting against a commercial truck, with the Mancho Snacks logo bedded across its side. She watched him, trying to get a good view of him past the crowd of maniacs. All she could see was Jonas's upper body, with a satisfied look across his face. He held a bottle of liquor in one hand, while his other was directed downward. Before she could piece together what her lover was up to, the crowd began to clear.



She was astonished by the sight. Her jaw was dropped and she made out a woman on her knees in front of Jonas; with her hands planted against the trucks side. Jonas's free hand rested atop her head, guiding it back and forth, as the woman's long hair swayed back and forth. All while he drank from the bottle. Linney turned her back from the window, and stood there in silence.



“What a jerk..” Barely left her mouth as the tears began forming then rolling down her dainty cheeks. She whimpered, and finally fall to her knees as she cried silently. She tried to hold her tears back, but the pain from his betrayal cut too deep. Jonas was the only thing in her life that was remotely close to real happiness, if there ever was such a thing. But the act of unfaithfulness was enough to dismay her. Now, with her heart broken and feelings shattered, What they had – what she thought they had, was no more. Her worth was nothing to him now. The mascara from her eyes began to run down the sides of her cheeks. Linney started to whip the blackened tears from her face, at the same time she heard dual footsteps headed up the stairway.


The two Black uniformed guards; Clive and Barker patiently made their ways up the level Linney was on. Her crying came to a halt, but the ill feeling she had in her was visible even to them. Barker headed towards the window and scanned the area. Looking over to the Mancho Truck, he could see Jonas in his nefarious deed. He turned over to Linney and ran his hand down her hair. She pulled away from him, slapping at his hand.


“Aw.. It looks like your boyfriend there has gotten himself a new play thing.” Barker, the cap wearing Officer said.


“So I guess this one isn't off limits anymore..” Clive Said. He grabbed Linney's arm, and raised her from her slump position.


“Hey!” Linney cried out at him. The eye patched Officer threw a slap across the girls face, and it left a red mark against her already tear ridden face. He smirked, as she began to whimper and he grabbed her, throwing her over his arm. He headed down the stairway, and the other officer followed, equipping his plasma gun at the same time. When they made it back to the office cubical, Linney reached out, and called for help. The two raiders she encountered earlier looked over, and began to head in the direction of the Officers. They saw, Linney over Clive's shoulder, and the two of them had an idea of what was about to take place.


“Hey now.. save some for us.” One of the raiders said.


“I'm always down for a train man.” The other raider laughed as he rubbed his hands together. Barker aimed his Plasma pistol at the raiders, and they both raised their hands in fear.


“Hey! Take it easy man! I'm just tryin' to have some fun! Same as you!” one of the raiders said.


“I think not vermin! To think you would be the same as me? Step aside and go about your business! You saw nothing.” The raiders grinned, then headed back to their corner. Clive opened up Jonas's room and through Linney on the makeshift mattress on the ground. She began to scream, while he held her down and gave her another slap, and then a punch across the face. Barker shut the door, and sat his plasma gun to the side. Linney's face was once again filling with tears, and this time blood. Clive unfastened his pants and dropped them to the floor.


“This shouldn't take long.” The diabolic Enclave officer muttered under his breath.


- - -


In the Sewer Tunnels the group came across little threats. Mole Rats gave them little concern, due to the fact that they weren't under the raider pay roll. It was safe, for the most part and above all else - it was well lit. The sanctuary they stepped into quickly blotted out the supernatural incident that occurred in Gamora Station. The sewers were calm, and almost pleasant aside from the rotten smell of archaic waste. But most f all, it was well lit. They could see what was around them. And with Renzo's maps on the place, he knew the layout, so they were easily able to navigate through the Sewers.


Within a short amount of time they made It into the sewer depot underneath the Mancho Factory. Passing mostly old drums of flour, and spoiled milk jugs, it wasn't the easiest route. Daniel took the lead with his 10mm pistol aimed forward. It was equipped with a silencer, and laser sights; which Daniel only used for such occasions. The clip was extended, holding 24 shots instead of 12. The 10mm rounds that filled the gun were Ballistic tipped, giving them both the stopping power and accuracy to take down anyone with a well placed shot. Reilly shadowed behind Daniel; her SMG modded with a silencer. Renzo was behind them, gripping his Sig Sauer low as the Eyebot Hovered slowly, trying not to irritate the others with its humming generator. Cassandra had her laser rifle in hand, steadily watching the area, but keeping up with the lead.


Zhou was lagging behind. The smells, and feel of the radiated sewers had been irritating his skin since they arrived. Even with his bandages cleverly masking his body, his skin was lost to him. Daniel knew it, but didn't hold it against him. But now, the others were fully aware of Zhou and what he was about to become given time. Jack had both his hands on his Shishkebab. Its flames were off but as they neared the exit he was preparing. Donovan wielded a Chinese assault rifle, and he held back next to Zhou providing cover to the others. As they reached the Exit door. Daniel pressed against the wall beside it, and motioned for Reilly to open it who was on the opposite side. Slowly, she crept open the door allowing Daniel to view through it. He smiled, and pushed the door fully open revealing a set of stairs with a door at the top of them. The door read: MANCHO FACTORY OFFICES.


“Unguarded. I wonder why?” Cassandra asked.


“Maybe it has something to do with the ghosts that aren't real..” Daniel responded. She said nothing, and gave him a look as if she were saying it wasn't the time. He could tell, even without looking at her.


“Enough of that Danny. It's time to get serious.” Reilly said.


“Relax.. I'm ready.” Daniel replied. He turned his head back and looked towards Zhou. He was reaching for his chest, and breathing heavily. Zhou's face was paler than usual. And his eyes gave out a dull shimmer. Zhou met eyes with Daniel, and then looked away trying to gather his strength.


“Are you ready?” Daniel directed to Zhou. Cassandra turned towards Zhou and with a stern voice said,


“We don't need anyone slowing us down. Especially a Gh-”


“I'll be fine. We got a job to do right? Well okay lets do it.” Zhou interrupted Cassandra. And stepped ahead of her. A faint gust of Decay followed behind him. Daniel smiled and nodded to Zhou. Renzo patted his way silently up the stairs, with the Eyebot beside him. He held the side of his head to the door, hearing the faltered sound of music, laughter, and nearby chattering. He looked towards the Eyebot.


“Can you sense any thing behind this door Private?” Renzo asked the robot. And it steadied itself directly in front of it, as a red beam of light emitted from its face plate.


“SCANNING....” The Eyebot said in a covert manner.






“I'VE SCANNED TWO HEAT SIGNATURES TO THE LEFT - THREE TO HEAT SIGNATURES THE RIGHT. MY GUESS... HOSTILES.” Private Jam said in a low stealthy voice. Which was surprising to even Renzo. Maybe the bot had become aware of the importance of the situation, and put aside its usual way of doing things.


“Alright Private, I want you in Stealth mode from here on out. Stay close to me, but If anything goes down the crapper, I want you to find Sgt. Slick and the others.” Renzo said.


“YES SIR.” Private Jam faded into the breeze as its stealth field activated.


“Reilly, Daniel, I don't think I need to explain what needs to be done now.” Renzo smirked, then gave them clear of the door. Reilly headed up, past Renzo first, cautiously aiming her weapon ready. Daniel followed, with his 10mm in one hand, the other reached for the knob, and slowly began to open it.


“Just like old times huh?” Daniel said as he looked up to Reilly, who said nothing, but kept her cool posture. Daniel smiled, anticipating the next move. He backed him self from the door and to Reilly, began to mouth out the words,






“Three!” Daniel shouted under his breath, and kicked the door wide open, He and Reilly rushed into the office and headed in Opposite Directions, Daniel to the left, and Reilly off to the right. Daniel spotted the two Raiders who were quickly searching for a weapon, or something to defend themselves with. With his 10mm, aimed and ready, Daniel sent a lone shot into the head of one of the Raiders, exploding it on impact. The other raider fell to the ground as his ally's dead body fell to the ground.


“INTRU-” Daniel silenced the raider with a carefully placed shot to the neck . He watched the Raiders mouth fill with blood, and his neck shot out streams of blood. Daniel was upset that the shot didn't deliver a critical blow like the shot before, but he pressed on, scanning the room for any stragglers.


Reilly headed towards the door towards the right, as she heard voices, and silent cries coming from the door. She approached it slowly, and halted the others from making a move into the Office.


Making it to the door, Reilly noticed that it wasn't fully closed. She pushed the door open, with the silencer, and witnessed the two Enclave dressed Officers towering over a young girl with their pants down. She was battered and Reilly has seen enough to realize what had been taking place, One of the Officers turned around, then jetted towards the desk where a plasma pistol was sat. Reilly kicked him in the chest, and filled his body with shots of whispering death. When the other had turned, Reilly was already aiming her SMG at his back. She squeezed the trigger, and riddled the mans backside with a barrage of shots. She shoved the lifeless body to the side, and knelt down to the wounded girl. She said nothing, just silently trembled. Her tears continued to fall, but her whimpers have faded into a weakened groin. Reilly sat her SMG to the side and pulled a Stimpak from her side. She shoved it into the girls chest, giving her some relief from the act.


Daniel arched his body around the corner of the doorway, and watched Reilly try her best to comfort the girl. He looked to the two men laying dead on the ground with their pants down to their knees. If they were only a few moments sooner, they could have liberated her from such a crime, before It came down to it. Daniel shut the thought from his mind, and examined their uniforms of the dead men. Enclave officer's standard issued Battle Dress Uniforms. Their Intel didn't falter it seemed. They've just infiltrated the Mancho Factory with ease. Took out four men, both Raider and Enclave Officers. At first Daniel thought that it would be a walk in the park in King Mancho's Kingdom. But it looked to be much more, when Reilly motioned to the Slave Collar locked across the girls neck.

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I love a story that has a good balance of action/adventure and interpersonal relationship stuff... the characters feel very real... if I haven't said it yet let me do so now... this is very well written. Please give us more!
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Thx Stigma :thumbsup: Lol if i could get this publish that wud be a blast but im jus doin this 4 fun, got another story Im lookin 2 get publish once i finish with this Ill post a sneak peek of it!


U shud come up with sumthin always cool 2 read other fics here :)








Donovan and Reilly tended to the girls wounds, with the help of a med-kit they brought along with them. Reilly gathered together clothes for the girl to wear which she sat aside. Using the stimpak, fresh bandages and clean towels, they tended to her wounds, cleaning them up as best they could. Reilly's Rangers Medic, Butcher had taught them well. High Scribe Cassandra entered the room after surveying the empty office. She looked down at the dead body's, recognizing the Enclave outfits.


“They were Enclave Officers.” Cassandra said stating the obvious. Daniel cocked back the on his semi-automatic handgun, making sure it wasn't jammed from its previous fire, then looked towards the downed men.


“Sick bastards is more like it.” Daniel replied. He looked around the room, taking note to all the wine bottles piled on the ground. The skimpy outfits that decorated the walls, and laid next to the mattress in the middle of the room remind him a lot of Dukov's place. But Daniel put Dukov to the back of his mind as he grabbed hold of the Plasma pistol that was resting on a table by the entrance of the small room. It was an Enclave Officer's standard issued sidearm. After examining the Enclave jewel, he passed it to Cassandra who did the same. Daniel looked over to Reilly and Donovan, who were still nursing the girl. He payed close attention to the slave collar constricting her neck.


“So they have slaves now?” Daniel asked. He was concerned, but didn't let it show in his asking of the question.


“Seems so.” Donovan stated. “Could be a small group about four or five. Maybe even more.”


“Sometimes Raiders like to trade off settlers to Paradise falls. So I'm not too surprised right now. Freaking cowards.” Reilly said, adding to Donovan's comment.


“So now we got to free some slaves huh?” Daniel asked again. He lowered his 10mm pistol to his side as he rubbed dust from his face.


“You got a problem with that Talon? You don't have to free anyone. Hell, we didn't even want you to come here.” Reilly replied, still agitated by the scene.


“Whoa, whoa, Reilly take it easy. I didn't say it was a problem. Just want to know where this is heading is all.” Daniel replied to her. He looked over to the girl as they finished patching her up. The collar around her neck was still throwing his nerves off.


“You can get it off her right? The collar?” Daniel asked again. Donovan nodded, and turned towards Daniel as he said,


“Yeah, I will just need some time-”


“This is foolish! We don't have time to worry about slaves right now! Lets focus on the mission at hand!” Cassandra forced out, interrupting Donovan. Reilly sighed, and stopped her first aid on the girl.


“Our mission at hand is the safety of the capital wasteland. Safety for everyone! That includes slaves. Dammit Cassandra, Each time you speak it makes me want to shut you up myself!” Reilly said angrily. Cassandra grinned, but said nothing.


“For once, I agree with ya Reilly.” Daniel said. He turned to Cassandra and gave her a sly wink taunting her to say another word. There was a brief pause, and Reilly continued to tend to the girl. After they managed to vitalize her, Reilly offered the girl her canteen, and she began to gulp it down. Reilly smiled, and rested her hand on her shoulder. She flinched at first, but was comfortable with Reilly enough to allow it.


“Whats your name hun?” Reilly asked her.


“Linney.” The girl said quickly, then proceeded to drink from the canteen.


“Linney. I'm Reilly, this here is Donovan.” Reilly patted Donovan on the shoulder, who smiled, and nodded to the girl. Reilly motioned her hand towards Cassandra to greet her.


“That there is-”


“Brotherhood of Steel?” Linney replied quickly.


“Yes. My name is High Scribe Cassandra Wright. I'm sure my Power Armor gave my affiliation.” Cassandra extended her hand out to the girl to shake, but Linney simply rolled her Eyes and ignored it. Linney looked past her, and Saw Daniel who was watching her. He gave her a vague salute and smiled.


“Just call me Daniel.” He said to her. She lowered her eyes, then continued to drink from the canteen. Daniel didn't say anything else. Instead he grabbed the plasma pistol from Cassandra, who was reluctant to part with it.


“You people figure out how you want to approach the situation. I'm going to check around, make sure we got this floor secured.” Daniel said to them. He nodded to Reilly, and she gave him a thankful gesture. Daniel left the room, and slightly shut the door. Reilly watched on as Linney was raising the Canteen higher drinking from it. She laughed, as she kindly grabbed the Canteen from the girl, before she could finish the entire Canteen.


“So Linney tell me, How many other Slaves are there?” Reilly asked softly.


“Other slaves..” Linney asked. Her eyes looked back and forth, trying not to make eye contact.


“Yes, that's right we're going to help. So how many other slaves are there? Do you know?” Reilly asked again.


“Slaves? No there arent any slaves here. Just me.." Linnet replied reluctantly.


"Just you? What do you mean?" Reilly asked.


"Look I don't know I just want to get out of here right now!” Linney stated, she raised herself up, and adjusted the clothes Reilly had sat aside for her to wear. They were Jonas's pants, that were a bit lose on her. And the shirt she had worn earlier. It has blood stains on it, but it didn't bother her as much as it would have before. The boots didn't fit, but they provided enough comfort for the girl to move around in. Reilly stood up as well, and Donovan began packing up the medical supplies. Cassandra headed out the door and they all followed behind her.


While they were silently discussing the possibility of a slave quarters in the base, Zhou and Jack hid the dead Raider bodies in one of the empty cubicles, clear out of sight. Before Jack left them alone, he sliced out a hefty chunk of flesh from one of the raiders forearm. It sickened Zhou, but he didn't mention anything about it as they made their way though the Double doors. They saw freshly lit Cigarette buds lying on the ground, and half eaten meals sitting on a table right before the steps began. They were cautious, as they headed up the stairs hearing nothing but the rampant noise of raiders outside. Jack was excited as they climbed the stairs; with his slab of human flesh in hand. He snacked on the bloodied meat savoring its taste, up till they reached the next floor. They made their way to a dirty cracked window and looked through it, spotting the parading Raiders outside.


“Looks like they're havin' a party.” Jack said.


“And we didn't even get an invitation..” Zhou replied sarcastically as he surveyed the entire courtyard. Without making a complete headcount, he assumed it to be over a hundred men. He looked up to car garage across from the Mancho Factory and saw armed guards. On the main grounds the men carried mostly homemade weapons, and an assortment of small arms, but the majority of them were equipped with assault rifles. Jack laughed, as he bobbed his head to the jazzy tune that playing on the radio past the screaming raiders. He snapped his fingers, and it annoyed Zhou as they listened, hearing approaching footsteps.


“If I didn't know any better. I'd say we were in a world of poo right now.“ Daniel said, making his way up the stairs. Zhou and Jack were both at ease when they heard his voice.


“How's the girl?” Zhou asked with a concerned voice.


“She'll be alright. Name's Linney.” Daniel responded to him. He joined the two of them looking out the window. Daniel was amazed, and turned off by the sight. But what turned his stomach more was the fact that Jack was feasting off of bloodied flesh.


“What the hell is the matter with you? Is this really the time to eat?” Daniel said as he backed away from him. He held back from vomiting, instead shaking his head clear.


“What! I'm nervous! I eat when I'm nervous man. And I'm tellin ya, its like a buffet here.” Jack replied skittishly.


“A Buffet huh?” Daniel retorted.


“Yeah man! These guys are sick. Anything goes when this many raiders get together in one place.”


“You said before you've been here before right?” Zhou asked Jack. He remembered when they first encountered him he brought up that hes frequented the place before.


“Yeah, I've made my way in a few times. And each time I did; I didn't leave on an empty stomach.”


“That's just great Jacko.” Daniel rolled his eyes.


“Don't Judge me.” Jack said again. Daniel laughed to himself as Jack finished the flesh. Jack started to lick his bloodied fingers clean while Daniel and Zhou looked out of the window towards the crowds. Packs of Raiders. The wild men and women were even violent amongst themselves. So Daniel felt there would be no immediate threat to them if they were to head down. That they could blend in with the crowds.


“I really hope you're not going to suggest what I'm thinking Daniel.” Zhou asked disdainfully.


“I'm not going to suggest then.” He patted Zhou on the shoulder, and watched the crowd below. His eyes watched towards the main gate. Few raiders guarding it seriously.


“You could pass for a raider..” Daniel stated.


“You're crazy.” Zhou replied.


“And Jack could definitely pass for a raider.” Daniel said again, as they both looked over to Jack who was enjoying the blood from his stained hands. The cannibal widened his eyes as they stared at him.


“So whats the plan?” Jack said. Daniel nodded, pleased with Jacks interest in it.


“Find the Brahmin. There's most likely a pen where they keep them out side the vicinity of their base. You two blend in. Get past these morons and get our loot.” Daniel said with a satisfied smile.


“Okay. So we find the brahmin. Whats your ass going to be doing?” Jack stated. Zhou was wondering the same.


“Some one has to keep you guys covered if anything goes wrong down there right?” Daniel said with a smile.


“Fair enough.” Zhou reluctantly agreed. Daniel pondered for a moment, then scratched his head as he looked around.


“Where's Renzo anyways?” He asked with a questioned stare.


“Haven't seen him since we made it top side.” Zhou replied. Daniel was curious where he might be. When he was down below, on the first level he hadn't seen the weathered adventurer or his Eyebot companion - that had been set into stealth mode. If Renzo had another hidden agenda, Daniel would be irritated. That he wasn't informed about it.


“If pops doesn't want to play he doesn't have to.” Jack smirked.


“Get going then.” Daniel winked to Jack and Zhou, watching them turn to the stairway. Suddenly, they heard another set of footsteps heading towards them. Not up the stairs -but down them, from the adjacent direction. Daniel looked up past them and saw a raider protected by an Iconoclast suit of armor. He wielded a large flamer by the hip, and it was hissing, ready to ignite.


“Well well well! New meat!” The raider said as he rushed down towards them. The raider charged up the flamer, causing it to emit a burst stream of flames in their direction. Zhou was nearest to it. He stood in front of the others, blocking them from the flames, and threw off his heavy brown cloak into the stream of fire, shielding raiders flamethrower shower. Daniel lunged to the side and took aim at the raider with both the plasma pistol and 10mm, sending several shots into the raiders chest. The raider dropped dead, along side Zhou's cloak which was charred by the flames completely unusable.


Zhou sighed as he looked down to the cloak. It was still flamed and had begun to char completely, writhing into blackness. He didn't make eye contact with Jack or Daniel even though he knew they stared towards him. The sacrifice he just made to save their lives was on their mind. Along with the bandages that held Zhou's decayed body together. His entire body from the neck down, along with his arms were completely mummified. The bandages were dingy, unpalatable even, giving off a morbid yellow complexion; hard to believe they were once white at a time. The tattered bandages concealed his radiated figure, but it didn't hide Zhou's ghoulish smell or look. His face, the only thing that remained human to him was still intact yes, but even that was beginning to fade away. Zhou turned his sight to Daniel and gave him a distasteful look. The man felt naked without the cloak. Daniel was aware if it before, and even he didn't care to make it an issue, seeing him as a man, before anything else. Zhou reached down and dusted off black char from his dark khaki pants. Daniel stepped towards Zhou, and handed him the plasma pistol.


“You've got work to do.” Daniel said. He patted Zhou hardily on the shoulder, then watched on as the two men, Jack and Zhou headed down the staircase.

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I need MORE! Oh, and you said that I should write didn't you? Only problem is that I find it quite hard writing a story with english, because it's not my motherlanguage. :( I could of course use a machine to translate... :rolleyes:
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