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Gran turismo 5 DEMO?


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Hey everyone the Gran turismo 5 demo is out, and they say the release is sooner then i thought :P ,


it shows off what the ps3 can really do, but it looks really unfinished, but that's why they called it a demo, its around 200mb.

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Is it for PS3? I hate demos for PS3... They take ages to download, and when I try to install them, they dont work. >.>


I might give it a go.


Though the one thing that is going to show off what the PS3 can do is going to be MAG.

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Witch demos didn't work for you, also all the ones i have downloaded in less then 10mins, even the ratchet and clank one downloaded in 15. Not to mention works.
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Ah, MAGs graphics. They're supposedly not the best. The developers said that, because there are so many people playing at once, compramises had to be made with the graphic quality. Also, the grenage throw animation looks a bit dodgy.
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