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Race and Lore Request


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Hey everyone. I am pretty low key around the forums and hardly EVER post. But I am VERY interested in an Avatar conversion. And I would like to offer my services doing any textures for the flora, fauna, or Na'vi. Could crank out some awesome faces for you guys if you needed them. Check out what I did here ...


Na'vi - Photomanipulation


EDIT: In HQ version you can see the glowing sparkles on her face and body.


I would also like to offer my services as a writer. I would VERY MUCH like to be involved in creating this world in the story sense. I could design quests, write dialogue, maybe even help in a main quest? I have SO many ideas to offer, and how would you guys like our own forum to plan things? I can make one for us no problem!

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Okay guys. My first task was to create new signatures for you guys. Enjoy!


Forum will be up in a day or two.






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Glad to see people are talking about working on a project like this. Two things I'd like to add to this discussion:


First, there has been talk of using Na'vi for the voiceovers. Two great resources for learning Na'vi are learnnavi.org and talknavi.com. I have only just started to learn it myself, but I'm fairly certain I've got the pronunciation down. Should anyone decide to pursue this further, learnnavi.org has a very active forum and a lot of helpful members, in addition to even more audio files with pronunciation that has been confirmed to be correct. However, as as been mentioned before, there are only around 1000 words in Na'vi right now, and Paul Frommer has stated he is contractually obligated not to release any more vocabulary for the time being. That being said, we would have to either use the language very sparingly, or start inventing words, and I would hesitate at doing the latter.


Second, though this seems to be an unpopular opinion, it needs to be said: please, please do not bite off more than we can chew. I have seen many great mods die because of unrealistic expectations and I don't want to see this one die. Take this slowly. Flora and fauna are one thing, but wait for a racial mod to be released and 100% complete before even thinking about total conversions or new worldspaces. It will be much easier to release this as a series of mods (race, ikran mounts, clothing packages, flora libraries etc) and then build a complete package later. Rome wasn't built in a day, and Pandora won't be either.

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hello and thank you for your intrest in the mod,


currently most of the team are members of learnnavi.org

if not all


well we ware starting off reletivly small, the race mod is being made by someone who is not part of any one mod buy we have complete access to it as a resource and have the option of editing it to suit our needs and the needs of the mod


the worldspace has been made in concept right now, we are only working on a few things at a time while we wait to see how much intrest there is in the mod.


in the current build of the esp filre we have only begun exploring the possibilitiesw of this mod and have made it possible to jump from log to log for a normal oblivion sized charachter and i am well on my way to getting iknimaya to reality.


i hopw you decide to join us



operation pandora team member

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and i am well on my way to getting iknimaya to reality.


I don't think I can properly express how awesome that could be.


You've sold me - if I can help in any way, even if its just play testing, I will. I've got a fair number of hours in the TES:CS under my belt, but my forte is landscaping and interior cluttering. However I'm close to useless when it comes to scripting or modeling.


Eywa ngahu, tsmukan.

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Are ideas may be big but as Overseer am the one to make sure people dont get carrired away and so far i havent had to do my job we are all well aware of the size of this and i have said *Reaslse small detail parts of Pandora* like Home tree (Tree of souls may be the first) the Mountains


ill come up with new locations overtime


the idea was to lunch in a Modular fashion *like Small Areas Of Pandora Connecting to each other like a Outside inside building lol


or to figure away to make the Map Bigger and what not

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